
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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John for allstars you need to have a person from each season

lol nobody from Spain is coming back now that Jackson is gone (RIP JACKSON CRYING)
Plus, he's going on vacation anyway

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lmao you're the only host who's willing to joke around like this. every other host is way too stubborn. you're the best <3

awww thank you <3
I try not to be too serious :)

Was ur sex with an older man?

No rofl. He's my age.
And I mean, it wasn't even like... idk. It's not as bad as you think!

/r/morbidreality Yes. Also sad stuff that could be crosspisted from /r/sad

Omg I just watched one of the videos......... 0_0
idk how to feel

/r/thathappened is funny, if you love Albert Einstein and $100. /r/rage is good if you want to pop a blood vessel, and /r/morbidreality actually is good for when your in a depressed mood

lol thanks, I'll keep all that in mind.
And wtf is morbidreality just people dying?!

Which contestants from your series had the best personalities?

um that's hard to say. I basically love everyone in the VL and all my returning players <3

Now compare wild west jury to big brother players hah NO FUCK YOU less than a minute ago thanks 1 minute ago

no this must end

How about /r/puppiesbeingcrushedbysteamrollerswhilefathairyseniorcitizenspreformfelatiooneachotheroverdecapitatedobesewoman

... um

Should we expect anyone who did really badly in either social, strategic or personality

for All-Stars? Probably loool

You should go on /r/morbidreality or /r/watchpeopledie. Or even better, /r/spaceclop



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