
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Are you manly?

Averagely manly? Not like "yo bro lets go play some football and bang some gurls" but not like "ommmmggggggggg that outfit is FAAABULOUS"

Who is your least favorite gay?

loool this kid from my school who is the most obnoxious piece of shit EVER, and he gives gays a bad rep because he fucking straightens his hair in the middle of class, and then makes sure everyone knows by announcing it and thinking he is cool, and omf, I want to PUNCH him

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Whenever I see someone, less fortunate than I! And lets face it, who isn't, less fortunate than I! My tender heart, tends to start to bleed! And when someone needs a makeover I simply have to takeover! I know (I know) Exactly, what she needs! And even in your case...though it's the toughest case ive

... awkward because I actually recognize this. Wicked

This year for field day my class wanted to be Mrs. Sevier's Tweeters and Twerkers, but the school changed our name to Mrs. Seveir's Students D:

wow thats boring
Tweeters & Twerkers <3333

And the winners of the big orgie race iiiiis... Robot House! •Fashion club: *Is tortured to death by being forced to drink molten lead •Ryan: Party at Robot House!

im so confused help

Nerds: It's ok, now you can hang out with us and teach us how to be popular so we can beat Zeta Zeta in the big orgie race


Oh my god, help me! Martin and Trent found out I'm cheating on them, and my period is 16 months late X(

looool gl

Oh my god, urrr so smart, u should be president of the fashion club and not me (to Sandy: Umm, who does Ryan think he is? He's a total prick, and fyi, his pants do not match his shoes. Lol!)

looool wtf
so much shade

So Brittany asked Tom out but Georgina hated Tom and wants to be friends with Tiffany who is going out with Greg who Quinn secretly loves even though she is dating both Martin and Trent who are secretly gay lovers, and I want to go out with Tom but he's too in love with Mallory. WTF do I do???


I want your sweet man meat deep inside the bowels of my soul and essence. Craddle me in ur strong arms and stroke my hair. Love me. be me. Never let me go. ...and rig AS so I win

hahahahah i adore all of my ask.fm lovers <3

Compare Greece's cast to Survivor players- *is tackled* Fine, then. Fuck, marry, kill: Gerard, Sean, Jacob.

omg i cant answer this, it'll make things too awkward hahaha but i want to ugh the conflict


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