
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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And the best part is when they see the dead bodies, and some of them fucking c r y, then two seconds later they're making alliances. like good lord. That butler is a goddess though

hahahha I only watched like 2 episodes, because it was actually painful.

even though I love rachel I would take elissa any day because I hate brendan/brandon/whateverthefuckhisnameis

ugh i hated them together so much
she was a million times better when he left

Have you seen Whodunnit? It's so cheesy, omg.

I hate it so much omfg...
Like, they do realize nobody is actually being murdered... right? It's like they're trying to mix a reality show and a fictional crime show and it DOES. NOT. WORK.

and then I played it even more when she stayed. don't judge me ok she's perf

She's much better than Rachel tbh

i played it on repeat when I thought she was going home what is wrong with me

rofl that's not healthy

Ondra > Eric > Sean's personality > Survivor: One World > rugburn > Halloween XI > skin failure > stubbing your toe > a pile of shit > Candice Woodcock > you


why did greece have a f3 instead of a f2?

I felt a 20-player cast deserved a F3. I also wanted to try something new.

opinion on the George Zimmeran fiasco?

I don't know enough about the case to have a legitimate opinion.

New location for allstars phillippeans is kinda boring and overused

Yeah, there is a new location. Still island-y though, and not very exciting

Ryan you don't remember my 3 person alliance of me myself and I? But really maybe she was talking about kayleigh and sara

lol I don't remember it, no.
And Kayleigh Jai and Sara were ROBBED </3

I loved the Shining. You should watch Nightmare on Elm Street, or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Also, The Simpsons Shining remake. And watch Forrest Gump. And bring me back for All-Stars.

Forrest Gump <3333333
And I love horror movies, so I should probably watch those. They're classics :)

$(".questionBox:last").after("\n\n\n//<![CDATA[\n\n App.initQuestionBoxes();\n ReportFlyout.init();\n\n//]]>\n\n\n\n\n \n\n \n wow use formspring its better

lol wtf


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