
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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do you ever log out and ask yourself questions that you want to answer or clarify but no one will ask so you just take matters into your own hand

hhahahhaa no i've actually never done that.

Which people from Greece have the potential to make All Stars?

This is a pretty big list... but I'm actually only considering like 3/4 people from this list. Gotta keep suspense.

Why are you such a big poop that you can poop on poop and the poop you pooped on can poop on the ban KidA button and you will be pooped by a poop?


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This whole game you have been cocky. You have not done jack shit except play those idols, and that immunity you won was unfair. This whole season is just one big mess because of you. Every group game you are in it gets ruined because of you!

LOL Jacob's series <3

So about people who quit your series before... Who were some of your favorites and may return again?

The only interesting quitter was Pamela from Season 1, but I don't really want to bring back quitters.
Also, Game pulled out of All-Stars last minute, and I considered it a quit... but I think I'd bring him back, because he quit before the game even started.

that greece avatar is outdated son!

o poop, i have to change it
besides, Tuvalu Logo > Greece Logo imo

How dare someone play an idol in a Survivor game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMFAO. Clearly it must be rigged.
It's okay, im pretty sure he's like 9.

omg yes we should all join a castings and have a 15 person premade: you, me, jette, ethan, bryce, natasha, sean, gerard, logan, leah, gaiaphage, cole, irrelevant jacob, oliver and um.... john

SurvivorsSurvivor’s Profile PhotoJacob
that would be fantastic, can someone please organize this

youre such a great host and i wish i was as good as you........... :/

Lol I'm not very good. And whoever this is, I'm sure you're just as good as me, if not better :)

Who are the best tengaged players to play in your group

umm... i dont really know how people do in games on tengaged, I just base it off of color levels tbh. I think bobrocks, Ghoul, playboyy are all good at tengaged games, but i have no idea.


because I suck at them lmao. I don't have a mouse so I'm pretty slow with challenges, and yeah, I don't find them that fun unless I join with people. But i definitely think the whole VL crew should go join some games and just dominate loool

If you could go back to before Canada started would you recast John?

No. I didn't even originally cast him, he was a replacement. I think I must've been on crack when I was casting for Canada, though.


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