
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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i agree with limiting it. but there are a lot of people who should be in it so maybe let more be in the first month?

Eh, idk. I want it to be very exclusive.

I noticed a few gems in Wild West I forgot about: Justin's fake idol he said he found at Ghost Town and Adamana trying to figure out what their tribe color is <3 lulz -Sean

loool i don't even remember the justin part but it sounds classic

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Thanks for adding my hall of fame idea. When are you going to do the voting for that? Maybe allow more people in the first round?

Not sure about voting, but probably soon. I have to decide on nominees.
And eh, I think 3 is plenty... I want the HoF to be really hard to get into. If like 5 people got a spot per month, I don't think it'd be as "special"

Okay, Survivor Greece has been renewed for a horror movie, you'll need a bitch, whore, jock, drunk, racist, smarty-pants and a gay. Name each player that goes on the right order.

Bitch - Katherine looool
Whore - Matt clearly rofl
Jock - Fred maybe?
Racist - Ronnie
Smarty-Pants - Stephen
Gay - Oliver ahhaahah

It's the Floating Queen, that didn't vote on the jury, 'JosephinaAlexis'. Sorry that I didn't vote, and it wasn't because I was mad that I lost, I just couldn't decide on who to win because it was a tough vote, but I was going to, but the finale ended when I barely logged on ;p

its ok :P. I'm just glad that your vote wasn't CRUCIAL... like, I'm glad the jury vote didn't tie basically lol

Name 3 funny players in Greece.

oh, and Sam was funny because of the Yogurt vs Cheese fight

I would say let a max of 3 people in each month

Yeah, 3 sounds like a good number. Maybe I would nominate like... 6 or 7 people each month? And everyone votes for 3 people who should become HoFers.

Your personally fav player of every season?

Morocco - Ethan
Canada - Bryce
WW - Sean
India - najdakdad tie between Jacob & Leah. Gerard and Logan are close, too.
Spain - Jackson
Greece - Oliver

Just add a section called rankings and stats and put today's hof stuff in it and have the hall of fame be the actually hall of fame. But really not all winners should be allowed in it only really sean Jacob and Ethan at this point. Sorry cole

lol, how about this? I "nominate" some potential Hall of Fame candidates, and the VL votes on who should go in. Every month, a new person is inducted into the Hall of Fame. I think that would be fun :)

I've been wanting to join the VL for a long time now >;o

who is this?? and I don't let people in mid-season for security reasons :/

Any thought to creating a hall of fame and inducting players into it? You could have all of the winners in it. Then you and them could vote a couple people in each season.

lol I have a hall of fame, but it's for all the record-holders. I like that idea though, not sure what I'd call it since I already have a HoF :P

What item do I need to gift you to move up to number 1? lol

ROFL anything male, especially either of the two vests <333

Match Survivor Indias jury with a song that best describes them (u only have to do the player u want)

lol okay, I don't actually listen to a lot of this type of music, but it's what came to mind...
Ty - lol just white noise
Eric - no song, just the sound of shitting. Noisy, noisy shitting.
Tyler - Climbing Up the Walls by Radiohead
Gerard - Take a Bow by Muse
Leah - Bootylicious by Beyonce
Jimmy - Slave 4 U by Britney
couldn't think of anything for Ryder

KidA's Klu Klux Klan

Yes, I'm ready.
Somebody hit me up for a host vs host season. I'm definitely feeling maybe a...
Suitman's Sexual vs KidA's KKK
or maybe
Janelle's Jews vs KidA's Kinky

Kidas kings Kidas kinky Kidas keen

hhahahahahhhaha omfg KidA's Kinky XD
lol but I actually like KidA's Keen, I'd probably use that.

Would you ever do a season like bingos best vs. Kidas kraziest. And if you did would Jake be one of the representatives for your team.

YESSS I totally want to do one of those but there are a few problems...
1. I don't know a lot of other hosts that well, and I'm not sure who else would be willing to do it.
2. I'm not sure how it works in terms of "new players"... I mean, would the other tribe like "bingo's best" be players who have never played in my series?
And most importantly...
3. What the hell would I call my tribe. KidA's Kraziest, Kida's Killers? K is a horrible letter ok.

How do you select tribes? Is it random, or do you try to put contestants together based off of perceived activity/drama?

So, first I just throw people on either tribe - I don't use random.org or anything technical, I just do it. I look at the tribes - see what works, what doesn't. Then, I make the adjustments. I have to look at other popular group games and make sure there are no clear alliances. (For example, in another game, I saw that Jake, Cameron, Bryce, Natasha, etc. were all on the same tribe.. that's just too easy). Then, I have to predict who will be active and "balance" the inactives, in order to keep the tribes evenly matched. That's probably the hardest part for me, because it's REALLY hard to predict who will be active.
So yeah, I do actually take a lot of time to compose the tribes. It ain't easy.


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