
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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How/Why did you choose the tribe colors you chose?

I chose colors that I thought would look good together, colors I hadn't used in the past, and I also went to the internet and looked up color schemes of three, which helped me out a lot.

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Looking at the jury speeches that have been posted thus far ss Game just a worse version (gameplay) of John?

Ask again after the winner is revealed.

If John is not a whiner, would he be back?

No. He didn't send any confessionals, and he doesn't want to come back anyway.

I thought John was a bad guy, he is not one of the meanest players?

He wasn't really "mean", just had a terrible personality and was super annoying and "complain-y". He wasn't mean to the other players, either.

kidassurvivorsucks has spoiled the usage of "Twerk" in the all-stars intro...srry, u got caught :\


Who did you think would suck but actually did good.

I didn't think Jake would be good from his application for some reason. He proved me wrong quickly.

Who are some of the meanest people to ever play your series

Sara and Kayleigh Jai were pretty mean. Leo was terrible, though.

Who would you say is one of the most underestimated players in each season

I feel like I've answered this before but whatever
Morocco: Matt
Canada: Gustavo?
Wild West: Brady
India: Tyler

If you could create a five person alliance made out of everyone in your series who would the 5 be

Ask me this question AFTER All-Stars. Or during All-Stars in the VL.

Would you rather see an alliance of villains dominate allstars or an alliance of heroes dominate allstars

As a villain myself, I'd love to see the villains take it home.

What were your first impressions (just from the audition) of a few Spain cast members?

Based off of reputations, I thought Aly would be incredible. I was wrong.
I figured Jackson and Bubba would be good, active players - I was right.
I thought Andrea would be fiery and fun... I was wrong
I thought a lot of the less known people would be excited about the group and really shine as great, up-and-coming players. I was wrong.
I figured Game would kick ass... (can't say whether I was right or wrong in case I affect any jury votes)
I thought Sean would be pretty good considering he's played a lot of group games.
And I thought Cal would be more active, considering he's hosted like... 20 seasons of his own. I was wrong.

When was it easy to guess the winner of each season? (After which episode could you practically guess who was gonna win?)

Morocco: I really didn't know Ethan would win until Anthony voted himself out
Canada: I knew since the merge episode, and I had a good idea even before
Wild West: I had a pretty good feeling after Sam's blindside, but I wasn't certain until he won that final immunity.
India: I knew after he took out Gerard


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