
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Thoughts on CBS Survivor Gabon?

I actually love that season, mostly because it brought Corrine to my television screen <3. A lot of interesting characters, a lot of entertainment factor... Bob wasn't a GREAT winner, though.

How old are each of the winners younger guys seem to struggle

I don't really know that many people's ages out of my players. But some of the younger people (around 13 or less) aren't mature enough to handle being voted out. An example obviously being Leo

If the winner was not in each season who do you think wins?

Morocco: Jette
Canada: Gustavo
Wild West: Jake
India: Gerard

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Can't! I don't want to influence anything that's going on right now!

Would Sheena have been an unsatisfying winner despite John's personality

No, once we had the final 2, I REALLY wanted her to win. It would actually be a pro to the season, just for comedic value.

Define jakes sean jette John Cameron matt natasha Leah personality irl from what you have seen outside of the game

Jake is a really nice guy, seems very serious and level-headed.
John is hard to get along with... logical and calculating, almost like a computer.
Cameron is just so nice! Really, i CANNOT picture him being a villain
Matt is also really cool and likable. Seems chill
Natasha is amazing <33. I talk to her a lot, and we get along really well. Amazing personality.
Leah I talk to less-so, but I really do like her a lot too. Fierce personality.

Favorite moment from each season?

Morocco - Anthony votes himself out
Canada - Desmond idols out Maks
Wild West - Sean wins!
India - Logan plays an idol on Patricia

what are some of your favorite challenges (in your game)

I like the challenge where people pass around a ball and get eliminated one by one, although I don't think the players like it that much XD
My BB-Survivor cross-over challenge was fun to host.
I love the flag and design challenges to see what people can come up with.
I love the F4 puzzle-type challenge

Did John make any strategic flaws?

Strategic... not really. Socially, he played a dreadful game.

I've asked like 8 questions, done annoying you for the night. Good night :) ~Matt

Haha night! I appreciate all the questions guys!

Rank the seasons And describe each in two words (adjective, object) Ex; Boring, potatoe

1. Wild West - chaos, confetti-cannon
2. India - fun (what a lame adjective), wave (as in ocean wave)
3. Morocco - fresh, rocket
4. Canada - painful, corpse

What do you think the vl would have thought of the early seasons

Morocco would've been praised, but found boring in a couple spots.
Canada would've been bashed MUCH harder than Spain is right now.
Wild West would've been AMAZINGLY PRAISED.

Which contestant is the biggest contradiction (i.e. Acts both very smart and very dumb, very strategic and very naive, huge villain while still acting like a huge hero, etc.)

Natasha certainly has a LOT of personality in a lot of different places. I wouldn't call it a "contradiction", she just fits in the role of many different characters. I'd call it more "adaptable" or "versatile"

Each winner's worst strategic move?

Ethan - Couldn't get the votes to get Jette out at that first vote. Instead, an inactive went.
John - Being a dick
Sean - Not taking Jake out earlier?
Jacob - Nothing significant comes to mind, to be honest. He played a reaaally good game.

do you like people who purposely stir up drama for the sake of the audience and do you think they're amusing, or do you think they're just try-hards?

I think they are definitely amusing! I am totally open for people trying to stir things up to get VL support. In fact, if you're in a position where you CANNOT win, that's a great thing to do! I would certainly enjoy it. I feel like Leah did it a little bit, but she didn't go ALL OUT.

From Morocco , who do you personally like most?

Ethan, since we've talked a lot after the game. I loved Jordan's personality during the game, but we don't talk otherwise.

Thanks! How do you balance all of your work with VP and being a host and what not

I've been gifted with a power. The less I sleep, the more energy I get. Literally, if I sleep more than 5 hours, I feel drowsy for the rest of the day. So I really just don't sleep. I get off tengaged really late and work on stuff around like 3 in the morning.

Smartest player ever

In terms of the game, it is quite possibly Sean.
In terms of who I think is the smartest IRL, Bryce seemed extremely coherent and intelligent in his confessionals. He had a very intelligent vibe.

Oh wow youre VP? Nice!! I am running for Rep of my senior class. I am also running for VP for the Habitat for Humanity club at my school

Awesome!! I don't know who this is, but you're gonna have a lot on your plate :o. Hope you get the positions though!

Yinzer is just another manifestation of kida that tried to spice up the season



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