
Ryan Hill

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Best Leo Moment Me: Vote for me I will gift you (even though i lie to everyone and you have sworn at me for two hours). Leo: Okay I trust you. Later. Leo: Where is my gift? - John KidA who is the best person to go premerge

Jacob S. was awesome
Patricia brought the drama
Jon was promising
Maks was promising
Martin was promising
Sara was promising

Season 7 should feature 100 contestants. Would u do it????

I have no plans of doing a season with over 20 people for a LONG time.

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Idol-free seasons suck though, just look at Link's Japan.

It's true, idols add a lot of chaos. But idol-free doesn't necessarily mean twist-free.

That means there's 18 All-Stars! :O

Maybe... OR, I could split the tribes in a really funky way. Who knows?

Couldn't my bribe be counted as strategy as it was within the rules? Has anyone else attempted a bribe?

No, nobody else has attempted a bribe thank god. And the rules will soon be changed, although I think bribing is considered cheating by most logical people...

Give us a good Leo quote and pick a confessional for god's sake

I PICKED ONE YOU GOON. And I'll go find one and post it in the VL.

Wait there is an alliance already for allstars who's in it

Lol, I don't know. I haven't heard anything.

Anything you can tell us about All-Stars now, give us something.


What makes a good applicant?

Long responses to open-ended questions. Showing me that they REALLY want to be on the season, and they've read up about the series. I love people who watch the show before applying, or who peruse the wiki.

Who do you think Is the most attractive KidA's Survivor player in real life?

I've seen I think 3 or 4 players of mine IRL... one within the past minute LOL. So I don't have a good sense of what everyone looks like!

Which arc would be more exciting: Natasha rising from the ashes and owning All-Stars, or Cameron embarking on a Protagonist's Journey to Villain?

Oo both sound compelling. I would love to see both play out, but I'll have to say Natasha owning All-Stars sounds exciting.

Pick a confessional?

I'd have to re-read all the episodes. Sean's fake-twist confessional was hilarious, just because it was so ridiculous XD

Who is the dumbest contestant ever to play?

*does whatever John says until he gets backstabbed*

How was Sheena robbed if she advocated for John to win?

Because Leo would've voted for her if not bribed.

Real allstars has premade alliances, i know there is an alliance already setup in the viewer's lounge, how do you think that will play out?

Oo, drama all ready. We'll see, as tribes will mix things up.

I can't be the only person who's just made up a list of potential all-stars and started getting to know them... Can I? XD


when do you think each season just started to get good?

A lot get exciting around merge, with a few good episodes pre-merge. Final 6 or 7 is where things REALLY start to heat up.

HAHAHAHA I will take over as Prez of the VL when allstars is going on Ryan dont worry!! But still I could totally be the Andrea of ur survivor...gets sheltered by a tight alliance in my first season and then the second time id do some damage!!!! (Just a thought lol) Its Cam if u couldnt tell lul

Hahha, I could tell! And I'm excited to see you play a 2nd time, because I heard you've been doing pretty well in Bingo's!!

Are you going to do a final episode summary for Canada at some point?

Yes, I keep forgetting about that! But basically, all you need to know is that Sheena was robbed, Desmond was cut short, and the season wrapped up terribly.

As Cameron is basically the designated bench wormer </3 Do you have any shockers planned for All-Stars casting wise? People we wouldn't expect?

Not completely... besides, I still haven't decided the final cast. And since it's not really a secret anymore, I have sent people notices about All-Stars. (Don't reveal who you are if you've got one). There is one player who hasn't gotten back to me yet, so they may surprisingly be cut.

If John were to win a HvV, considering how much he is hated in the group, does he move out of the cellar in rankings?

Depends on how he plays in HvV. For any double-winner, I'll rank them twice.


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