
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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If Jake and jette went head to head who would win

Tough call. Both hard game-players and strategists. I think we might have to see... >:)

Is John's ego that big or is it all an act? Feel free to respond John

I honestly have no idea.

which jacob is better

We haven't seen 15th place Jacob fully shine yet. But in terms on India, Winner Jacob was better.

which sean is better

Original Sean, although I do like Ghoul a lot, especially outside of the game. Won't say anything about the Sean currently on Spain.

Compare canada and spain, you have not done those?

Can't compare players from Spain until it's over. But as for Canada, there aren't that many players to compare... not a lot of people had personality.
John is a lot like Brian Heidik (spelling?) from Thailand. Undeniably a great player who controlled everything, but shunned by CBS and hated by a lot of fans. He shot a puppy with a crossbow after the show...

are you going to make a HvV logo or will you just use the CBS one

I'll make my own. I really enjoy making logos, even if they don't turn out that great XD

That's ok I enjoy that seasons 1-3 won't have a FF award. It represents there Nostalgia!!!

Exactly! That's the spirit :D


LOL I might only do it for one season. Not for a while, though.

Will Natasha and Leah ever be on a season together? Or would that be unfair to the other contestants?

The other contestants always have the option of taking out Natasha and Leah. I don't think it would be unfair.
Plus, on real survivor, a lot of the returning castaways are friends before they go out on the island. Example being Cochran and Andrea for Caramoan.

Could not find your comparison, care to redo it?

Scroll all the way down to the bottom. Use Control + F (or Command + F if you're using a mac). Type in "compare", and you'll find me comparing a bunch of stuff.
I did this in a bunch of different questions, so it's spread all over the place.

show what you have so far for India! seriously I'm dying over here. ]:

I'll post it in the VL within the hour

Do you plan on making the Fan Favorite awards for Seasons 1-3 official???

No, I can't base a FF award just off of my opinion. Sadly, seasons 1-3 will go without a FF award </3

do you have to make merge to be in all-stars or is anyone fair game?

Not necessarily, although I do believe every potential All-Star player made merge.

KidA you want me to stop asking questions? I am not trying to be rude just asking things I am curious about?

Keep asking! I'll take any questions, seriously.

Are u going to do episodes for India like you did with Wild west

Yes, I'm still working on them! They're a little more polished too. I have up to episode eight, but I'm working through them at snail pace.


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