
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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Who is your least favorite Cbs player

I don't like most of the people that quit. I can't stand Dawn, and Phillip is miserable. Also, Boston Rob needs to 100% leave the show. Reunions and all.
Oh, and the Hantz family is terrible.

Dumbest move ever

Um... dumbest long-term would be Logan protecting Patricia with his idol pre-merge.
Dumbest single move could be a few players going out with idols. Or Anthony voting for himself and thinking he would stay.

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Give explanations for the animals

Most are semi self-explanatory. Some of the animals represent strength, some represent stealth or sly-ness, and some represent being social. A few of the animals are noble / majestic, and some are more slippery and conniving.

Have you ever thought about for a allstar season doing something like. Heroes vs. Villains vs. Chaotic neutrals

I wouldn't want to do that for the first All Stars, but there will definitely be different "themed" All-Stars such as Brains vs Brawn, Heroes vs Villains, Fans vs Faves, etc.

wat bout natasha's animal?

I thought about it, but I have no idea. Maybe like a colorful bird.

What would some of your greatest player be if they were animals. Based on personality and gameplay

LOL ok...
Ethan would be a gorilla or something
Jette would be a snake... but with big, orb-like eyes or something. Maybe a horn too
John would be roadkill on the side of the road
Bryce would be a horse
Jake would be a stealthy ox of some sort
Ondra would be a ground-hog
Sean would be a flying fish
Logan would be an armadillo
Leah would be a tigress
Gerard would be a Tasmanian Devil
Jacob would be a centaur
Do you get explanations for why? No.

Will you ever give us hints on info about allstars

Later, probably. But most of it will be kept a secret until the cast reveal.

How much luck do you think each individual winner had when it came to them getting to the end?

Ethan - A lot of luck in winning a few challenges, but mostly skill. Finding the idols was lucky as well.
John - Mostly skill.
Sean - Got lucky with a few things, mostly skill
Jacob - Mostly skill
So Ethan was probably the luckiest winner, but he still had to do a TON to win

will all your seasons be 30 virtual days?

Most likely, unless one season has a significantly larger cast.

Whos side were you on during the Leah vs. Everyone cuz at first I thought she was kinda annoying but then I grew to love her <3 what are your thoughts on Eric too I hate him hes trash

I loved Leah! She fought her way through the game, and how can you not root for an underdog? And Eric kind of floated through the game. I wouldn't call him trash, though. I don't know him too well personally.

on a scale 1-10 how inactive is Survivor:Spain?

1 being the most inactive...
Live Challenges: 2
Non-Live Challenges: 4/5
Confessionals & Gameplay: 4
Voting: 8

Who were the three players that got to play in WW that wouldn't have if those three returned?

I have no idea, since I cut the returning player idea before I started picking the cast. However, Philip (Donutdude) would've been accepted if not for his time dilemma. ThomasSwift was almost accepted, but I believe he had a time problem as well. Also, Sam and Jake were on the brink of being cut... but I 100% made the right decision by casting them.

Which 3 players were you considering

Jette, Bryce, and potentially Matthew with a "blindsided" theme. Wasn't sure about the 3rd one though.

What made u decide to have 18 people in WW instead of the normal 16 like all ur other seasons

FUN FACT: So, from the very start, I knew WW was going to have 3 tribes. However, I planned on bringing back 3 returning players to lead each tribe. I scrapped the idea last minute, but I still wanted 3 tribes, so it stayed at 18.
Plus there were a lot of good applicants.

I get a feeling whoever Ryan shows a lot of favoritism to on this is damned if they return in All-Stars... XD

LOL probably. Sorry guys </3


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