
Ryan Hill

Ask @KidASurvivor

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RACHEL UGH WHY THOUGH. She was literally the hottest person in the entire cast ugh and like this just ugh why I'm upset. Ik it's been like a day but still the tears have been pouring ever since - Will

but she was so bland (at least, her edit was). like idk, i wasnt too upset when she left tbh x

someone change the wiki by someone i mean me

Don't touch the fucking wiki. Blocked. And don't try to blame it on Bryce...
Karma: 433
Played: 150 times
Last Activity: 19 hours ago

When will the people who applied for season 2 of Gen 2 know if they made the cast or not?

Probably tomorrow/Saturday

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Caleb and Katie deserve more screen time. Also, I'm pretty annoyed by how arrogant Brad's getting. He thinks just because he's leading an alliance he controls them completely. I can't wait for John vs. Candice, even though Marissa is obviously going home.

Sam Santos
Agreed @ Caleb, not sure about Katie, she actually does seem kinda dull. But yeah, hard to say since they've barely showed her. Brad is awful, but he's getting a blindside edit, which is great. The next RI duel will be good, but I mean, they're so setting up for Candice & John to stay alive together for a bit. Poor Marissa <///3 still rooting for her

Mickle in Will's game: How are alliances going to factor into tonight? i think people are in allince

i can't do this

there's a really cute (and I mean cute like...not cute as in hot i mean cute as in adorable) guy in my english class that i sit next to but idk if he's gay should I still go in for him

try to figure out whether he's gay or not. there are tricks.

HOLY FUCK GERVASE AND MARISSA HAD A CONVO ABOUT MY BLOG ON TWITTER. Marissa saw I that I called her a Goddess and she agreed. And then Gervase retweeted it! I'm in heaven right now omg. - Not Bryce



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