
Tempy's Characters

Ask @KifoRosalieRemus

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if you could be friends with any 10 people, who would they be?

death clock
uhhh UHHHH
there is no such thing as "any 10" I legit love the entire freaking community so....these are the first that popped into my head apart from the perf friends I already have :'D And by "Friends" I'm assuming someone to talk to regularly and just...idk know well. ALSO NOT IN ANY ORDER, JUST WHAT POPPED INTO MY HEAD LMFAO

Cinna;; -blinks confusedly- t-to say hi? o m o

Ceallach: -notably is disappointed- Ah....weel then, -bows from the waist with a sassy grin- 'tis a pleasure t' meet ye lass. Me names Ceallach MacTavish, bu' please fel' free t' call me Kelly o' Kell, 'tis easier fer you non Scots I 'ear aha. And who are ye?

ye srsly. the fact that that means a lot to you coming from me means a lot to me coming from you lmao.

-blinks eyes like an owl- I actually followed that mwuahahahaa >:3 The fact that the fact that that means a lot to me coming from you means a lot to you coming from me means a lot to me!!!

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ramsey;; -shakes her head- please, spare me th' details. -sits down on a bench or something idk where they are- anyways, apart from that new…. acquaintance.. how're things aboard?

Remus; -puts his head in his hands and aggressively ruffles his hair- [muttering] Yeah, I don't really want t' share th' details anyways... -clears throat- Aboard? Ah ye know, same as always....been busy I'm 'fraid. [quietly]...I've missed ye though Ramsey. -long pause- But 'ow 'ave things been for you?
Liked by: kaworu

If you had to gift your kias/micros, who would each one go to?

dude i've answered this a lot of times -dramatic sigh-
Kifo to Mord if she wanted him <3 if not then Fennec
Rosalie....either Fennec or Clara depending on if either of them wanted her xD
Remus, probs aya or Fennec
Raphael...hnnnng....toughie. geier maybe? orrrr idk, death clock, or fennec x'D
Nero, either Katie (formerly kibblee) or Fennec xD
Ceallach: I JUST GOT HIM I MEAN SERIOUSLY?!?! so idk. Fennec xD
(does anyone note a curious trend? LMFAO)
Liked by: kaworu Fennec


Tempy's Characters
srsly message me oh my gosh xD
I love talking with/getting to know new people and I don't bite xD Plus I legit invest myself in like fifty billion different fandoms so there's lots peeps can talk to me about ;A; THE ONLY THING is that I'm slow to reply 98% of the time due to lack of computer time plus freaking school ewe
Liked by: Sin Jo Vintage

cinna;; -pokes kelly- hi! o A o

Ceallach; -grins devilishly and sidles closer- Weel then! Look at ye, ye lovely lass! Come t' meet the nefarious Scotsman? Lemme tell ye, I ken give ye a better time than any other man o'round. -winks and crosses arms over chest- So, what 'ave ye come to me fer?

[some time later because im bored] ramsey;; -comes back looking for remus, but is trying to be stealthy- is he gone?

Remus; -head whips up when he sees Ramsey and he turns beet red- Ah ah ah ummm..hi Ramsey. Ach i...I don't know where 'e is so stay quiet.... if 'e sees you we'll have to...to deal with.../that/ again. Ye wouldn't believe the things he said to me once you were... once you were gone. -fidgets uncomfortably-
Liked by: kaworu

ramsey;; -peeks through her fingers and shakes her head- [muffled] no thank ye. i-i-i'd best be goin'. ive got things t' do.. -walks off quickly in the direction of her ship-

Ceallach; -calls after her with a hoot- Weel if ye ever change yer mind ye know where t' find Remus and I, aye lass??? -hoots and slaps Remus on the back- What a woman!!!
Remus; -groans and looks after Ramsey with slumped shoulders- [strained and subdued] I'm so sorry Ramsey, I, I didn't know he'd.... -groans and turns on Kelly with fury- WHAT THE BLOODY 'ELL WAS THAT ABOUT!?!?!
Liked by: kaworu

ramsey;; -gives up and hides her blushing face in her hands while mumbling- oh dear where did remus leave to i need a break from this guy

Ceallach; -grins devilishly- Oh no worries lass, I'll bring back ole cap'n Remus fer ye harhar!!! -booms out in a loud voice, yelling for Remus-
Remus; -creeps uncertainly over- I-is something wrong? Did ye....-stops in his tracks- I don't like this already...
Ceallach; -beams- Oy! Now 'at yer here....why don't ye take off yer clothes and show Ramsey 'ere your better.../assets/ -cackles- Lord knows I know ye 'ave a nice ole pair o'...weel, ye know, and ye're fairly well endowed too I'd say! Nothin' t' be 'shamed of! Let nature take its course neh? Ramsey ye could 'help too if ye'd take yer clothes off. I wouldna complain t' be sure

ramsey;; -eyes widen and a quiet pause before she shakes her head vigorously- no, no, no, theres not a need fer that. my goodness, do you talk 'bout anythin' else other than… -waves hands around- this?

Ceallach; -hoots loudly- 'ave I hit a nerve?!? Woo! Ye've got it bad for spiky 'aired cap'n boy neh? I ought to set ye both on each other stark nekked, let nature take it's course! -grins roguishly and crosses arms over surprisingly muscular chest- Aye, I ken talk aboot other things, not nearly as fun though, ye see. Asides, ye're trying t' avert me from pursuin' 'is conversation, so eet makes me only 'at much more determined t' prove eet. -cackles some more-

ramsey;; -eyebrow raises dangerously- excuse me, ceallach, but ye've got no right to be sayin' such things. i do not, nor do i want to, seduce my crew. it would get in th' way of their work. they've got their own time to be runnin' round the land, and i see no need for such things.

Ceallach; -rolls eyes- No seducin' needin' I think -looks her lazily up and down with a smirk- They'd prolly leap into yer bed wi'out any seduction needed! -cackles- Needs are needs, nothin' wrong with a little 'armless fun 'at sea neh? -smirks- Dinna tell me ye 'aven't 'ad any experience with love makin' yerself! Och, I best be callin' cap'n remus back if'n 'ats the case! Ye both could use a little experience aha! I daresay I ken give ye some tips t' make eet more enjoyable!!!
Liked by: kaworu MintCat

ramsey;; -places a hand on her hip and watches remus back away before raising an eyebrow and glancing at ceallach- oi, i ain't just some "little lass". im a captain too, and i dont like what yer implyin' there. stuff it.

Remus; -looks slightly apologetic- Sorry Ramsey! Ye can come find me if ye want once he's -gives Ceallach a dirty look- Through with being so....lewd.
Ceallach; -grins wider- A cap'n too ye say? Ach! Then ye're /bound/ t' 'ave fire in yer blood! 'tisn't an implication at all, ye'd 'ave to, if ye were commanding men on a ship no? I daresay one or two o' yer crew can confirm me prediction eh? -winks bawdily- What's a lass t' do when a'sail with nothin' much t' do? A nice bedwarmer is right necessary! -cackles-
Liked by: MintCat

ramsey;; remus, they don't got wives. they're all old as me, maybe younger. there's only a couple o' them who are older. dont worry about it, he can say what 'e wants to.

Remus; -eye twitches- Ah...I see....how....comforting. -clears throat awkwardly- I suppose they must ah, make some lovely company fer ye. W-well in that case if per'aps ye want to stay and converse with Kelly, I call him Kelly, you can go ahead.... -continues rambling and starts to back away-
Ceallach: Ach now! Running away like a wee doggie with yer tail 'tween yer legs??? -clucks tongue- Some cap'n ye are, ye aught t' be charmin' this lil lass straight up t' yer bedchambers! -roars with laughter- I daresay she'd 'ave some kick in 'er!!
Liked by: MintCat kaworu Mimi

ramsey;; remus you should know bett'r than an'one else that i'm perfectly capable of handling my crew. men will be men. -glances at ceallach before shrugging- he's got a sort of a temper, yes?

Remus; -huffs- Never said ye weren't capable, it just... -he gestures madly at Ceallach- I-it's one thing t' 'ear stuff like this from the men 'bout their wives back 'ome! B-but fer him to act l-like this with ye!!! -shudders and then reluctantly nods- Aye, a temper...of sorts.
Ceallach; -waggles brows- Jus' as hot in bed as out o' it lass, mind what ye're missing. I dinna beg for a leddie's time ye ken.
Liked by: Mimi kaworu MintCat

i love ceallach to death already kat how do you always come up with such amazing characters i can't explain how jealous of you i am

omf seriously??! //cries// Thank you Vaughn ;A; idek, I was reading a book with Scottish characters, and then I saw him and was like YES HE IS PERFECT :'D I already love him, he's such a...firecracker x'D <333 BUT THIS MEANS SO MUCH COMING FROM YOU OH MY GOSH THANKS ;A;
Liked by: Mimi

ramsey;; -starts to snicker even more- it may be a little nasty, but its nothin' compared to the boys on the ship talkin' about home. -blushes slightly- it's no problem, really. quite comical, actually. -raises an eyebrow at ceallach- shouldn't you be flirtin' with ladies more suited to you?

Remus; -looks horrified- Is that supposed to make me feel better? Because it doesn't! -glares at Ceallach as he continues on- Oy! Stop it ye rascal! Leave the lady alone!!!
Ceallach: I'll leave the lass alone if I'm o' a mind t' leave 'er alone!!! -hmmphs and glares at Ramsey- An' jus' what ees 'at supposed t' mean? "more suited t' me" my arse! I'll take wa'ever lass I fancy! Whether she's a big ole boned thing like ye, or a sweet small lass like me! -snarls and cusses before fixing a grim smirk on Ramsey- Well so be eet then. Ye may's well let off all yer extra..../steam/ out on ole Remus 'en, lord knows 'e needs it more 'an me! -cackles-
Remus; -resumes blushing-
Liked by: kaworu MintCat

Ramsey;; -looks with wide eyes and then starts snickering- oh my, that's.. i have no words. sadly, the only interesting things we go aboard is that damn peacock. 've got no idea how its still alive.

Ceallach: After all those wearying days upon yer ship, I wager ye've grown sick o' lookin' at 'at birdie, so ye know, I know what pretty lasses need af'er a long voyage o' sea. Peacock ye say? I ken show ye a different kind o'-
Remus; -blushing red to the roots of his hair, claps a hand over Kelly's mouth and splutters, losing his accent in embarrassment- I, he, I...I'm sorry Ramsey. I didn't think he'd....I just....ummm....sh-should I jus' go? Oh Lord Almighty, I never should 'ave let this one open his mouth! -shakes Ceallach lightly- I...can..well that is, will ye forgive me for exposing you to..../that?/ -still blushing-
Ceallach: -bites Remus' finger so that he lets him go with a yelp, turns back to Remus and snorts- Ye look like a wee blushing maid Cap'n Remus! P'eraps I shud school ye in the fine arts o' making love, twould loosen ye up some! -looks between him and Ramsey- P'raps ye two are better suited, I'm more experienced though lass, -turns back to Ramsey- I daresay ye'd find me more 'an suitable if ye're of a mind. -waggles eyebrows and prepares to launch into a speech extolling his prowess in bed-

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ramsey;; -peeks around to look at ceallach and then up at remus- Who's that?

Remus; -drops a hand onto Ceallach's shoulder and grins when Kelly shrugs it off- This is Ceallach! I found 'im off the shore o' Scotland! Poor thing nearly drowned if ye can believe it! Managed t' drag 'im aboard and he's been hanging around ever since.... He says e's a microkia? I've 'eard of them but he's the first I've properly met. Bit o' a firey thing though...
Ceallach: -bows from the waist to Ramsey and offers her a broad smile- Now 'en! What a bonnie lass ye are! Ye ken that I may be short in stature, but I wager I'm twice the man ole Remus 'ere is! Iffen ye are so obliged, I could show ye a thing 'er two about microkias. -chortles sardonically with his eyes narrowing lewdly- I promise ye we ain't so micro where it counts if ye take me meaning lass!

congrats on the micro kat c:

Thanks Fennec!!!! ;A; I love him so much heehee <3 Sweet lil Kelly bahahaha x'D (not so sweet or little though...at least, not personality wise lmao)
Liked by: Lierre and chars

I'm pleased to introduce you all to Ceallach MacTavish!!!!

Tempy's Characters
Pronounced: KEL-uch | Nickname: Kelly, Kel
Now then...Kelly is a good ole Scottish laddie!
On one of his voyages Remus pulled the small half-drowned microkia aboard his ship, and the rest is history.
Ceallach was born in a small village in northern Scotland, to a clan that still very much followed the old
traditional ways of Scotland, paying homage to a laird and following the social hierarchy of ancient Scotland.
Kelly has a very strong Scottish accent and, unsurprisingly, can be a bit bawdy and is very, very direct.
Note that by direct I mean that he says what he thinks and doesn't skirt around issues for the sake of social
niceties. This isn't done out of rudeness or tactlessness (as is the case with Nero) but rather because that
is simply the way he was raised and is accustomed to.
Basic Personality:
brash - loud - stubborn - opinionated - cheerful - cunning - loyal - confident - slightly arrogant - flirtatious
lewd - hard-headed - fairly narrow-minded - possessive - gets insensitive and inconsiderate after drinking too much
I'm totally interested in a few roleplays for him, chat rp's are preferable but I'm open to most things <3

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Do you have a connection with ur micro

Heck ya!!! I have a crazy connection to him, very much in love with my babe <3 I'm working on finalizing a name but his concept is totally set <3 I'll be posting with his details and stuff in ten minutes or so :'D

Happy Easter!! I have a challenge for you! Go start a conversation with somebody you want to get to know better! Make a new friend!

wahey!! you know what? I think I will!!! and happy Easter to all of you as well <3 -hugs and kisses my 99 followers ;A; -


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