
Kylie Britton

Latest answers from Kylie Britton

help!! is it ok to knee a boy in balls if he keeps grabbin ur butt

If he doesn't have permission then Go right ahead!! :D

What do you expect in 2013?

That people except me for me And don't use me and uhmm That we finally find a cure for cancer!!! :))

What was the most important event of 2012?

Hmm I would have to say..Going to the children's hospital on Christmas day and handing out gifts to all the little kids who aren't able to be home with their familys and get gifts..

can u do a video for me please showing ur boobs

Why do you just assume it's ok to ask me that? do you honestly think I would say yes you nasty cunt? GET A LIFE AND KEEP THIS G RATED HOE

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