

Ask @LauraaFoster

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right, i'm a guy and i don't get why girls moan about period pains so much, doesn't it just feel like a cramp that everyone gets when they're hungry? what do period pains actually feel like? (asked every girl i follow :P)

erm, it's a hell of alot worse than being hungry.. it feels like you're getting repeatedly punched in the stomache by invisible people for 3-5 days a month
Liked by: Sam Wiltshire

why do kim n milly always post about sex, weed or booze?

it's millie*
but idk, got nothing better to post about? haha
ask them not me
Liked by: Laney

who even is greg?

are you kidding me?
the guy in my photo is called greg west
he is from a band called district 3
he's perfffff
Liked by: Laney

Tweet a pic of the shoes you were wearing to the shrews gig yesterday???? I just wanna see what your out fit looked like lol x

effort to take a pic but they were pink van type shoes, same colour as the pink on the jacket i wore x
Liked by: Laney

does it bother you that you're not as close with kim and millie anymore?

not really, got alot closer with some other amazing people so idm
Liked by: Laney

does jp know about all of these questions about him on here?

idk, he knew ages ago about me getting questions about him but idk if he checks it or whatever

no you wasnt joking and thats true

well i don't really count the fact he's not my boyfriend as a flaw but ya know

wow what a major floor.. but seriously has he got any?

i was kidding btw..
idk he obviously has bc no one's perfect but i can't think of any atm

yes but i want the reasons why hes so great

he's got a great sense of humour
good taste in films and music
he's easy to get along with
nice to talk to
good looking
dresses well
etc, he's just fab really
Liked by: Pati

opinions on Beth Harrison?

in all honesty i've never met her and wouldn't want to. she seems attention seeking and craves likes, etc all the time. she gives and causes joe so much trouble and hassle for such stupid excuses. she thinks she's 'in love' but she's fucking 13 years old.. fair enough you can fall for someone and start to like them at any age, but don't call it love and throw the word around like it's nothing. from what i've heard she's only met him in person like twice and he's told her from the beginning that the age gap wouldn't work. she makes up shit about him, gives herself hate and says it's from him and just tries to turn everyone against him just because he won't get with her, lol. also, yeah i feel sorry for her with everything to do with her mum, etc. but if she was honestly that upset about her personal life she wouldn't post it everywhere trying to get likes.. in the past year alone i've been through alot worse than everything she's mentioned yet i haven't declared it to the world in a hope to get 'facebook famous' or whatever it is she hopes to gain from it. telling everyone would just make things worse and in my opinion she is one of the stupidest, most naive little girls i have ever heard of. oh and she irritates the fuck out of me. idgaf if i get hate or shit from this because it's just my honest opion. the hate i get will be from a bunch of 13/14 year olds anyway so it means nothing to me. :)))))

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