

Ask @LauraaFoster

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what did you do today?

haven't even got out of bed yet bc i'm that ill:):):)
had a nice lil phone call with ash adams though that made my day <3

you look cute when i see you together

aw fanks, he's a qt
he text me saying he doesn't mind seeing me while i'm ill as long as he gets to see me, HOW CUTE

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i know someone that yore quite close with that likes you!

well this is awkward bc i'm not that close with many guys.. tell me more

Opinion on Beth Harrison?

i don't really know her and she actually seems lovely but she used to annoy the fuck out of me with all her posts, glad they've calmed down now though hahah

how long were you together before that?

we were together for like 4 months but seeing each other for 4/5 months before that..

hahaha do youever speak to him?

no, not really.. he's not in any of my classes so there's no reason for me to, but at the same time i don't go out of my way to ignore him so..

how is manchester btw? bet its awks at college

idk why don't you ask him? and no it's actually not awkward at all

is the other anon talking about kieren as in manchester? ;)

no i think they were talking about kieran mighty actually, sorry to disappoint

i didn't know you still talk to kieran? thought you couldn't be bothered with him anymore? lol

we started talking again, is that a problem? lol

'well if i ever stood a chance it's now been ruined, gr8' what made you think you ever had a chance

do you even know what that's about? no, didn't think so now fuck off


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