

Ask @LauraaFoster

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You're always trying to be someone you're not:L you arent hipster babes

i don't try to be anything, i just do whatever i feel like and i know i'm not a hipster so..
Liked by: Billy Lingard

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who are your best friends ????????????

omfg, i've had this question soo many times now-.-
sam, yoana, caitlin, kim, millie, zuza, kai, phil, kieran, steven :-)

Send in pictures of yourself to joe5637@rocketmail.com for the possibility of being featured on our page. We will contact you to find your picture if you do. Anthing could be accepted. Thank You

er, no. you're on anon, probably just some creepy pedo
Liked by: TaniaPaigeColes

What is your goal for the next 24 hours?

tell the person that i like that i like them, possibly
or just to do my homework, depends how adventurous i feel

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

well, it'd take longer than an hour for me to get anywhere worthwhile so i'd probably just go and kill all the bitches i hate LUL

Would you ever post a photo of you topless/naked online? Eg: to twitter, ask.fm, facebook?

yeah of course, it's not like i have self respect or anything.. lul

if your best friend got withthe guy you liked, how would you react?

well they're my best friend, so i'm assuming that they know i like him, so i'll be really hurt and angry. but i wouldn't show it, on the outside i'd just be happy for the two of them

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

how to stay single forever
because that's the only thing i really know anything about
Liked by: Tulki Jenkins

i don't know you but you're really pretty and you seem lovely, how on earth are you single?!

aw, thanks. i ask myself the same question every day :-/

1 name? 2 age? 3 location? 4 dream place to live? 5 best advice? 6 dream job? 7 height? 8 weight? 9 eye colour? 10 hair colour? 11 bra size? 12 fave book? 13 fave film? 14 fave food? 15 sexuality? 16 virgin? 17 underwear colour? 18 most embarassin moment? 19 best mate? 20 relationship stat

20 questions bloody hell :L
1. laura. 2. 16. 3. somerset. 4. australia. 5. not sure 6. not sure. 7. short. 8. 7 stone. 9. blue. 10. blonde. 11. 34C. 12. don't know. 13. 5oo days of summer or lilo and stitch. 14. pasta. 15. straight. 16. nope. 17. black. 18. not sure. 19. kimmm 20. single.

what would you do if you ex told you that they still had feelings for you?

tell them that i'm sorry but i'm over them and have no feelings like that for them anymore

who would you rather be with? owen nicholson, mac meade or james doherty

um, considering i talk to them all as FRIENDS only i'm not sure.. probably mac xo
Liked by: darren s


Language: English