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What is something you find hard to stop once you have started?

A good book. I can rarely find the willpower to put it down unless I absolutely have to. A song, any song. Once I've started listening to it, I have this physical need to finish the song before I do or listen to anything else. I've been late to classes, appointments, family dinners, and even forgotten to go find my cat before it gets dark, all because of those two things.

What's one thing you hate having to pay for?

Life. I mean, I get that real estate and shiz is a 'booming market' or whatever, but people shouldn't have to be homeless or live in dump houses just because they can't afford rent or to buy a nice place. I hate that we have to pay for the roof over our head, no matter how unrealistic I know that hatred is.

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What's the best cheese to eat with crackers?

Tilamook. There is no other cheese. All other cheeses are poser pretending to be cheese, who only wish they could be as delicious and perfect as Tilamook.

What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?

None. Celebrities have WAYYY too much drama. And If one was my sister I'd have to deal with paparazzi. No. Thanks.

How do you like to start your morning?

With music. Well technically, the music NEVER stops playing, even when I'm asleep, so that doesn't count. But I use a more radical playlist to wake myself up. And I usually wake up an hour earlier than I have to (usually 7 am) and spend that time reading, to awaken my mind.

How quickly have you fallen in and out of love?

I don't fall in love. At least, I never have before. Yeah, I've been in relationships, and had crushes and even really, REALLY liked one of them. Still do, in fact. But in 'love'- that state in which you feel you can't exist without the other person, where you are basically each a part of the same being because you know each other so well- no. I have never fallen in 'love'. And I don't think I would do that 'easily' or 'quickly' being that that sort of relationship takes time and dedication to build, and once made I don't believe it can ever be truly severed. I've never met a guy I trust enough to fall in love with.

What would you like to see mankind achieve within your lifetime?

Ideally? World Peace.
Realistically? Cure Cancer, Diabetes, Aspergers, TS... and all other diseases that at this point don't have cures.

What is your favorite thing to watch?

Like, TV show wise? Movie wise? Or just watching in general? Because I prefer cartoons on TV, pretty much any genre except extreme reality and horror for movies, and in general I get a kick out of watching Hero work (he knows what I mean) and watching people make fools of themselves. Even when the person is me.

What color is your hair?

Well I was born white-blonde, but over the years it's darkened to brown, which irritates me because I do not look good with brown hair. -_- So I highlight it with blonde- so technically it's both.

Do you believe that someone can be truly insane?

No. Insanity by definition is indefinable. The very nature of it means that one is both insane and sane- that their mental state fluctuates between the ideal of 'sanity' and what others view as 'insanity'. It's all in your perspective.

Would you get offended if someone stepped on your shoe and didn't say anything?

No. They might not have noticed, and even if they did- so what? Now, if I was WEARING the shoe at the time, I might be slightly irritated, but not offended. It usually takes a lot to offend me, depending on my mood.

What do you look for in a guy/girl?

Relationship-wise? I'm drawn to brilliance. And he has to have at least a mild sense of humor, and be able to put up with my mood swings and SPD.

How much money would you twerk for?

I'm one of the people who should be arrested for trying, in all honesty. However, if it was a significant amount... say, over half a mill.... I might be persuaded to attempt it.

What do you think about twerking?

I don't really have an opinion, other than that some people can do it and some people should be arrested for trying, because ain't nobody wanna see that nasty shiz.

Do you get mad easy?

Yeah, I have rage issues. I've been getting better though and lately it pretty much depends on how my day had been and what my mood is. For the most part I can transfer the bulk of the anger into amusement.

Hey! I saw your green house button on Wattpad so i pressed it. Yaaaay! :D

I GOT ASKED A QUESTION YAAAAAY!!! Well... sort of... ^-^

Last person’s house you were in?

House, technically speaking, or house, in general? Because technically speaking, my parents' house. But in general, mine- it's not a house, it's a trailer. But yeah...

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

None of them. "We" implies joint effort- an effort in which I will be engaging alone. I refuse to go searching for something as ephemeral as love. If it happens, it happens, but frankly I could care less. I don't have time for love.


Language: English