
Trang Dong

Ask @LittleMissTrang

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Do you have any suspicions as to who is "Jesus?" Do you think "he" was already part of the fandom or is new?

I have absolutely no idea. I just kept calling my anons "Jesus" and this was the result. He`s pretty fab though.
Liked by: ambra✌️

Ohhh, I see. I thought you were just eating like plain tortilla and I'm like those are so dry :O Most common typo you make? /unrelated question

OUUUUUU TYPOS. worst one is probably I`m/in its real bad.

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I do judge you...how can you eat them like that, they're so dry! You should at least stick cheese on them then put them in a microwave and make nachos. :P

I mean the kind I was eating were like doritos but not really, if ya feel.

Trang, this whole Jesus thing started because of you being trolled...thus...you are the Mother of God! You should change your name to Mary posthaste. :)

rajtrilo’s Profile PhotoRajdeep
I DIDN'T THINK THAT SOMEONE WOULD MAKE A TWITTER. And I guess I am technically aren't I? Haha


Braiden? He is one of sweetest human beings alive. He gives amazing hugs and is teriffic at magic tricks. For only 19 he's a wise kid. He is one of the most inspiring and kind people I have ever met, I am truly blessed to have him in my life. I seriously love that boy to death.


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