

Ask @LouiseAnn

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a gig buddy sounds great! i think i am in need of one myself D:

i know right! well if you dont find one remember i need one to anon!

aw that's too bad D: sounds like you need some new friends with similar music tastes :o

ah no what i need is a gig buddy!

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ah sounds like you have an amazing music taste, have you been to any concerts before?

ah yes i love gigs, i want to go to so many more but me and my friends dont have the same music taste

you're like the most perfect girl on twitter with all your piercings and blue hair

i wouldn't say so but aw thankyou so much <3

aw that is well cool, what piercings do you have at the moment and which ones are you going to get?

i have my wrist pierced,nose,ears top ear. im want my other wrist,7 other ear piercings and i really want my chest done

yeah me too actually haha, so i seen on your twitter that you have piercings?

ah a few, i have loads more that im getting. i love them

its been ok i guess thanks for asking? and why are you still up :P?

i always wake up at stupid times and then lay awake for ages because i cant go back to sleep

what do you look for in a guy?

someone who makes me laugh,i can talk to them about anything,they are weird and cute and if we have things in common.
Liked by: abida

What attracts tourists to your city?

i have no idea but its cute how they get fascinated and take pictures of simple things we think nothing of

How do you get your hair so amazing

aw its not amazing but thankyou, im so use to dying my hair its like a hobby for me :')


Language: English