

Ask @Louisexythang

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why does everyone ask to have sex with you when they know you're in love idgi

Idk either lol there's only one person I wanna have sex with

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Hey so I have these two crushes; one huge one on this boy that all of my friends know about and a smaller crush on this really cute, really funny, and really nice girl. I'm not totally sure if I'm really bi though because I have more feeling for the boy than the girl. Am I?

Well maybe it's just a phase, you won't know until you actually experiment.

I think im straight but sometimes I find girls attractive.... umm so idk

I think that's kinda normal but if you start feeling something more than you're probably bi

Should I take pills or hang myself? Pills didnt work last time but I will take at least 100 this time. I stocked up.. so yeah which way is quicker? Pills or noose?

Staying alive. Not giving up. That's the better way.

oh hey baby just want to say i love you & you're gorgeous as fuck, stay perfect :) -your babycakes

I love you so much baby aw


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