

Ask @Mayakanai65

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If you could invent a holiday what would it be?

Taco day. Taco day will be the second Tuesday of Taco month. it's between February and April.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

I believe if two people love each other then let them love each other. It's not like like being gay makes anyone any less different than straight people.

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What do you expect in 2014?

Graduation, first year of college, letting things play out how they need to play out (hopefully getting a boyfriend but I won't search for one. I'm gonna let it happen when it happens)

If you had a favorite Let's Play from 2013, what was it?

JackitK’s Profile PhotoJackitK
Oh man. That's a tough one. Probably..... Fortune Street by the Runaway Guys. It never ceases to entertain me. :)

Was this year a good year for you?

Yeah, I'd say so. Besides my laptop crapping out on me it's okay because I got a better one that I'm going to take much better care of.

What are you looking forward to in the new year?

Not having this stupid wisdom tooth in my mouth, graduating high school, starting college.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Why do I keep getting this question from you anons? Is it that interesting? Hahaha.
Anyway, no. I have not. It's on my bucket list though.

What position do you sleep in?

on my stomach or side. I don't like sleeping on my back because it makes me get all stiff.

Full body side-view selfie? And why did you choose mayakanai as your name?

I have no idea why you want the first part of that question. second of all if you look at a keyboard m y k n and i are all close to each other. my left hand never lifted from the a for some reason and I button mashed.

I love your Let's Play videos on YouTube, been a subscriber for a while. Do you like chatting with people who have subscribed to you and do you like making new friends? If so, how can you be contacted to chat with?

Of course i like chatting with my fans! I've been busy lately with school and such but you can always try to contact me on Twitter! i would say Skype but it's so unreliable for me. I sometimes get messages after a few days of people sending them. I'm pretty sure it's my laptop. But anyways, you are more than welcome to contact me on Twitter :)
Liked by: Kun Sun Sweeley

Why Tiana?

Well I live in New Orleans and she's such a strong woman with a great dream. I love her <3 Plus the movie itself is great. All the inside jokes. "Actually, we are from a place far, far away from this world." "Go to bed! Y'all from Shreveport?" Perfection.

Who is your favorite Disney Princess?

Tie between Jasmine and Tiana. Tiana for obvious reasons and Jasmine's just a badass.

When you make hot chocolate, do you put the chocolate mix in the mug first, or the water?

newfiebangaa’s Profile PhotoClint
I don't really make hot chocolate. it's too sweet. makes me sick.

What's something you're not very good at but enjoy doing anyway?

Dancing. I can shake my hips but that doesn't mean I can dance.

What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

The gift of seeing all of my internet friends in real life and being about to chat and play video games with them.

If you see a girl fishing for a specific letter in a bowl of Alphabet Soup, does it mean she wants the D?

newfiebangaa’s Profile PhotoClint
Nah she's looking for the C for Colleen. Duh.
Liked by: Clint

Hey are you looking for a boyfriend if so what qualities do like in a bf

I'm not really looking for a boyfriend at the moment. Kinda wanna wait until college. I like someone who can make me laugh and is always there for me whenever I need it. Someone I can truly call my best friend.

Do you like Kingdom Hearts as much as me??? I love that game!!! I would literally marry it! If you do whose your favorite character????

I do! I like KH1's Kairi.


Language: English