

Ask @NinkComPoop

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Ellie that thedruginmeisyou account is fake the picture is of emma blackery

30% of people I've seen following me on Twitter have other YouTubers as their photo icons these days... Whoever is hiding behind that picture shouldn't even have a single thought of suicide in their head. Whoever they are, whatever they're thinking, they need to be told that it isn't the answer...

Should I kill myself? I want your honest opinion, please

No. No you should not kill yourself.
People love you, people care about you, you will absolutely DEVASTATE and rip the hearts apart of those who love you if they ever found out you went ahead with doing something like that. I love you, I care about you, and I will be upset if I ever found out that you ignored what I am telling you and went ahead with it. "Ending your life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". Put it this way, you will never get to see the day, the moment and the time things make a turn for the good because you gave up too quick. Don't you want to see things get better? Because I can promise you that they will. In fact I KNOW that they will. And you won't be there to see it.
If it means anything at all to you, at least don't do it for me...

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Do you skype fans? Because you never seem to be online:( I'm not being ungrateful I was just wondering, and don't worry because I'm sure you're too busy^-^<3

I haven't been on Skype is soooo long! I never really use it =/
But I don't use it a lot at the moment because my webcam is broken and don't see a point in using it unless people just wanna chat without cam ^-^

Why do you like the big bang theory? In an honest opinion, I dont think thats how American nerds are.

Because the script is always brilliant, the actors are great, and plus I have it on so often now that it's almost comforting to watch when I'm sad hahaha
Liked by: Ashleigh Neame

1) I'm addicted to your videos right now, I love you!<3 2) you should definitely dye your hair blue:D 3) are you going to do another truth tuesday? you should

Another Truth Tuesday is coming on the Tuesday coming up! ^.^ <3
Thank you, I love you too!
Liked by: Ashleigh Neame Julia

Doesn't it get annoying, when people ask u constantly if u and Kyle are dating? Oh and btw I love you so much, your videos are amazing and you're super cool and pretty :)

Yeah it does haha...
I know we put a bit about us online but nowhere near as much as what we both keep personal, and surely the people asking if we are dating can see that I've already answered the question already ._.
Thank you! ^___^

I love how you never answer my tweets, never dm me when I retweet you even though I'm like third retweeter, and never answer my questions. Thanks.

Oi you, don't be sad or take that personally, I can't answer all my ask.fm's and I don't respond to tweets that I don't have a good response to hahaha :/ <3
Liked by: Maggi Pritchett

did you notice that in the summer in the city thing.... when you were hanging out with kyle and his homies, you were all shy? D'awwwwww shy ellie you so cuuuuuuuute!! looking away from the camera! whos a cute ellie? who is? yes you are!! oh yes you are!! :P

I didn't like a camera being shoved in my face cos I was hungover and looked like a sack of potatoes
Liked by: Alisha

i saw you at sitc a lot but i didn't want to talk to you cos you were with your friends

Well you're silly because I was there to meet you all ^.^
Liked by: Lexi Wells

Okay u said u thought u weren't youtube famous but yesterday u got recolonized twice! I think there maybe some fam over here if u ask me!

I'm not though haha I was in a big city's town and a couple people knew who I was, that doesn't make me famous :p
Liked by: Rebecca Hannam

Were you in primark today? I could of sworn I saw you...I was going to run up to you and say hi, but i didn't know if it was you or not x3

Yup, that was me hahaha :') You should of said hello ._.

What kind of guys is bex into? She seems like a cool young lady to be around. Bex if you can see this, then I just wanna let you know that, saaay guh, lemme catch yo digits! (jk jk) lol

Dude, she has a boyfriend ;) @bexdaunicorn
Liked by: Lolno


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