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(not sure if the message sent so imma send it again lol) but Im sure that person does like you! Your beautiful and funny :') And just a great person reallyy!

Unfortunately, I'm more than certain that they think differently :c

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I want to start making youtube videos but i'm scared about bullies and pervs. I know there is always going to be people that hate but how do you get through it?

I said in a video a while ago; it may seem all embarrassing at first, but after a while when you've got subscribers and viewers behind your back, you will gain the confidence. The first bit is ALWAYS the hardest, but once you've done that, you won't regret it. I am living proof of that :)

When you drink, what alcoholic beverages do you prefer? Oh and what kind of music do you dance too?

Hmmm, I usually have vodka and an energy drink. But I love Baileys and Malibu with cranberry or coke :D And as for music, I will dance to absolutely anything hahaha! ;)

When it gets warmer, can you vlog from a tree? That would be so awesome!

What an interesting but genius idea...

What keeps you motivated? I struggle with my confidence and motivation a lot. Any Advice?

I struggle with this a lot too. But there are people who inspire me that keep me motivated and give me confidence. I ask myself "what would they do?", and then I'd go and do the answer to my question. When I'm lacking motivation, I think about the end result of what would happen if I were to actually achieve what I'm lacking to do until I eventually do it. Motivation and confidence is my two biggest struggles so this is a pretty difficult question for me, but keep fighting & achieving... and I PROMISE you, good things WILL happen when you do <3

Y u no make school survival guide video for those who are still stuck in school and face problems with mean teachers, mean students, nasty restrooms, gay essays, and nasty lunches except for sloppy Joe Tuesdays?

I may just have to do this now! >:)

What do you think of selfharm?

As much as somebody may think is does, self harming will never help the problem you're facing. I see it as a sign of asking for help, but there are other ways and better ways of doing that. Nothing in this world is in black & white and nothing is cut & dry. Everything is subject to change and there's always more than one factor at work. There's a lot more to cutting than most people think and that is why people assume it's bad. Ignorance... Lack of education on the matter.
Liked by: Kyle Styles

Would you rather be taken to a fancy restaurant or to the movies?

Depends how well I knew the person. If a lot, a restaurant. If not so much, the movies. Purely because I hate eating infront of people I don't know too well ;)

If you ever need me, I'm usually outside of your window <3 ;)

I should be saying how creepy this is... but how cool would it be to have someone there for you 24:7 JUST outside your window.

So can you like marry AmazingPhil and just have 1000 babies, they would be perfect :)xx Ngl he would be perfect for you.

Couldn't agree with you more ;)

So... I've got one of those internet-crush things on you, purely because you're the first genuinely kind and caring girl I've ever met ... How should I go about expressing that in a way which doesn't make me seem like a complete creep?

Message me on facebook now and it wont come across at all creepy :)

Well i doubt you were lying with the noises/facial expressions you were making... not to mention the things you let me do after ;)

Ok, who the fuck is this? Hahahah :L

I would say I'm pretty good judging from past experiences with you ;)

And I've told you this have I? What if I was lying! :o

"Does someone wanna pop over and give me a full body massage for some dollar? Please & thank you." How much dollar would I have to give for the pleasure? ;)

I've got about £20 here... But it depends how good you do ;)

What do you expect in 2013?

You can never expect anything to happen because you never know what's in store for you, but I can hope for some awesome new memories :)
Liked by: Abbie

Would you believe it if I said you are one of the funniest and most beautiful girls I've ever seen?

I find it crazy how anyone could ever think this but, thank you :)


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