

Ask @NinkComPoop

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Do you watch Doctor Who, if so, who is your favorite doctor, would you like to follow him into his adventures if it was possible?

David Tennant, and sure! :3

Long hair or short hair for guys? And what colour?

I prefer longish :) Any colour though! I think a natural or un-natural colour looks good on longish hair :)

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Can you come to Oxford sometime after December? because that'd be wonderful :)

How come? To see you? :3 But you're anonymous! :p

Is your full first name Ellie, or is it a nickname for your full first name? In other words, what's your first full name? Elizabeth?

My full name is Ellanah! Pronounced as it's spelt :)

How do you be so confident in videos, I want to start making videos but I don't want people at ,y school finding out

I began to love making videos & the people watching so much that I didn't even care about anyone else 'finding out' anymore :) If you like doing it enough then nobody has the right to stop you... "Never stop doing what it is that's making you smile".

Another live-stream tonight ?

I very much doubt it... I look like a state today! I really want to do some more often though!


I agree.
Liked by: shan

What was your first ever youtube video? and if you i can get to 100 subs should i still make videos?

My first ever video was a vlog which had no meaning & sense whatsoever. I was literally sat infront of a camera and talking about how nice my hand cream smelt. ¬_¬ And I think that you should keep making videos regardless of your number of subs!

how can one socialize with you more often if one doesn't have a facebook...........or twitter............or tumblr......................? hopefully you get the point, but I have no other socializing network thingumabob {yes, by my own choice......... but yeah......}

YouTube private message? :D

i understand now ellie, cus peeps have asked u so much about u and kyel you started talking to him again but in private so tht peeps wont get involved and pressure u

Is that your final answer?

I had a Chinese yesterday, and it just reminded me of you. 'I bet Ellie would of liked this'

I bet Ellie would of LOVED that...


Language: English