
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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Yeah haha Your name really describes you :O Haha and thanks!

Aw thanks:3 I don't know if I can say the same about your name haha but you're fabulous
Liked by: ... . Adam xo

Hahahahahaha i can't stop laughing at your answer *clapping** you are a Genius!

Omg omg its you
And well what can I say
I'm fabulous;)
You're gorgeous okay?
Liked by: ... Adam xo .

Sorry wrote wrong words, its i want be your boyfriend

what does my sexuality got to do with this
and no, you're not going to be my boyfriend!
i'm too fabulous for you
Liked by: ... Adam xo

Pretty [] Beautiful [x] Gorgeous [x] Hot [] Sexy [] Perfect [x]-- Hug [] Kiss on cheek [] Snog[x] Cuddle [x] Doing stuff [x] Sex [] -- Stranger [x] friend [] Enemy [] Crush [] -- Date [x] Marry [] Ditch [] -- Rate 1 [] 2 [] 3 [] 4 [] 5 [] 6 [] 7 [] 8 [] 9 [] 10 you're fucking hot [x]

i love you xx

Kso, im bisexual, and I dont know how to tell my parents, ive tried but they laughed and said i was joking, how do I get them to believe me :/

bring a girl home and be like 'hi, this is my girlfriend..we have sex'

would you do a fan sign for a girl, between your legs?;3

omfg i can't wait till friday!
me and @xxgwynxx are going shopping and we'll get loads of food and just buy loads of stuff and go town etc then we'll get drunk and stoned and watch movies and woo i'm fucking excited because something is actually going on in my shit life:')xx
Liked by: ... Adam xo

What's your bbm pin?xo

i'll rip her heart out and shove an umbrella down her throat then watch her bleed to death and put bleach all over her and cut her face and then fucking shit on her chest!
Liked by: ... Adam xo Kaylynn


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