
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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Spam for spam?x

emilee and charlie
okay i have enough of this so i'll just go for a little rant
this is like the 93435832th time i got this from you (well not literally)
i've done spam for spam with you few times
i don't have a problem with it
me and zack sometimes spam each other
but i mean come on ffs
you do it all the time
try to fucking earn likes
your answers are shit
you try to be 'original' and you're failing so bad
idek you but all you fucking care about is likes like seriously
argh ffs
i'm annoyed now

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i love you

Shut up
I'm sick of this
'I love you' means fuck all these days
Feelings suck
You only get hurt
And well
You don't though do you?
If you did, you'd also love
-My messy hair in the morning
-How i get so annoyed i end up smiling
-When i sing my favourite songs not knowing the lyrics
-How i look in your big jumper
-When i walk around the house with no make up
-My cheeky smiles and lip bites
-The way i pull faces when i'm angry
-How i scream and shout and destroy everything when i'm pissed off
-The way i act and look when i'm high
-How i dance in a club when i'm drunk
-The way i do my make up in the morning
-My embarrassing laugh and how it changes depending how funny something was
-How i never really sleep
-When i'm hyper and i jump around the house
-When i tell you the same stories over and over again
-You'd love the way i swear a lot
-How i always try to get your attention by poking or tickling you
-How i jump on you and kiss you after long time not seeing you
-When i play with your hair
You'd love that and a lot more
But the thing is...
You don't...

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10 facts about yourself?

1) I trust people waaaaaay to easily
2) I'm socially awkward and I fucking hate it, I won't go anywhere because I get paranoid and everything is so awkward, I also can't do things on my own, I probably won't even go to a shop on my own because I'm sure something awkward will happen and I get scared, meh its hard to explain it
3) You might not believe it but I'm really shy..but when I start to feel comfortable around you I'll be really confident and hyper etc
4) I'm only 5ft, and yes I know I'm tiny
5) When I walk with one person they have to walk on my right hand side and if I walk with 2 people I have to walk in the middle because I'm weird
6) I won't eat someone elses dinner, I only eat the food my mum and sister makes..I'll eat pizza at someone's house and junk food but I won't eat like a proper dinner because I know its gonna taste different and I won't like it
7) Whenever I see someone really attractive I'll start to check my hair and make sure its alright
8) I can't swim :')
9) I act really weird around animals, I'll talk to them etc...I will walk up to any animal or pet that I'll see and I'm not really scared of any of them tbh..I'm just obsessed with animals that's why I'm doing animal care in college sns
10) I've got two little pillows and I sleep with them each night, I've got since I was little and I won't let anyone touch them +if I actually let you then you should feel special
11) I have a small collection of teddy bears well there's like 17 of them sns
12) I used to sleep with my mum until I was like 14 because I was always scared to sleep on my own
13) I'm scared of the dark so I sleep with the lights on, they can be off if someone is sleeping with me
That's more than 10 but oh well, hi

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What annoys you the most?

When parents leave your room and don't close the door
Slow walkers
When people moan about everything
Being told what to do
When people think they're better than everyone else
Animal abuse
Years 7's
Being in public
Long ques
When someone asks you the same question all the time
When someone keeps talking to you even tho you give them a clear hint that you don't like them
People who talk to me while i have my headphones on
Bad hair days
When someone doesn't go right
Ignorant people
Racist people
Stereotypical people
Happy people
Hyper people
Sad people
Drunk people
People in general
Having no food at home
Broken promises
Weather in general
Not knowing what to wear
When someone tells you to hurry up
omfg i could go on forever


Language: English