
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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I started to cut the other day, I dont know why something inside me wanted to, i want to cut again, i dont know what to do.

try to take your mind off this, self harming will drag you down! it's an addiction, don't let it get to you!
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

Related users

getting abuse for self-harming is the sickest thing ever!...for everyone who thinks giving shite for it is okay, its a mental illness, and an addiction! the only way too get relief from your pain is too let your emotions out through this, nothing too be embarrassed about or get abuse over!ANON CUNTS

ah couldn't agree more<3
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

I just love your answers aha! You seem like a powerful person (as in you look out for yourself well) and you generally seem like an amazing person :D

aw i love you<3
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

can I ask you like a serious question?...im ment too be going too camhs, but i'm kinda scared, I don't know what you do there? could you tell me?, obviously I understand if it is too personal and you would rather not talk about it?x

no need to be scared, the people there are really nice and helpful! they will listen to you and they won't judge you! it's great
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

Ok you think am beautiful in my own way I will come off anon and you will be like eww put acid in my eyes lol tell the truth do you think I am ugly and shut up everyone else not asking for your opinion so don't send me your opinion to my ask box just want OlaAdaKaminska's opinion lol

Jack Perky Perks
you're beautiful in your own way, everyone is!
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

Hey! You're such an amazing friend for posting those things on Niamh's ask. She's lucky to have you and tell her she's beautiful and to stay strong!<3

Aw thank you, well i try my best to support Niamh! <3
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo

you should go to psycho clinic about your self harm, im not being horrible but it is a problem you need to get sorted out

i do go camhs and it's nothing to do with you so clearly you don't have to worry about MY problems!
Liked by: Saraya Adam xo


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