
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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look, i used to cut worse than that, you have to stop pleas idgaf if i don't know you tbh, i just don't want you cutting, i want you to please stop, i don't know you but if you died idek what i would do, just stop cutting, you can.

i'm not going to die ffs, i'm getting help soon!
i'm fighting and i will be fine

I am glad! If you wanna talk, i'm here! Don't keep it all inside. Hope you have a wonderful day and night , goodluck and btw show the bullies that you're better and stronger as them, they are cunts really :)<3

Thank you<3

Right, I'm sorry. Are you a fucking idiot or something?! "Oh yeah lawl I took a pic on my phone lawl cause someone asked me to lawl", is there something wrong with you?! Are you mentally fucking challenged?! Cutting is meant to be a private thing no one should know about. Wtf are you all about?

What are you on about? I'm confused and i have no clue if you're trying to insult me or help me:/

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Ohh, omg your so beautiful!your perfect,keep your chin up.I don't know you but trust me give your life a chance.

i love you<3

And you should talk with your mum believe me you'll get better she will support you and she loves you she's scared to lose you.. Try to find strenght and talk with her it's not only important for her but also for you<3

I did, she knows everything!<3

I can't tell you to stop cutting but i hope that someday you will, getting bullied and feeling alone is awful. I know how it is but after 5years i did get through it and so will you. Be strong you are perfect and not alone don't let them bring you down. Chin up beautiful. We believe in you <3

Thank you so much, means alot!<3

The word fighter on your arm,are they scars or blood,or deep cuts?like was the photo taken just after you done it?x

it's my leg, there are some really deep cuts and scars, but also few from yesterday!

http://ask.fm/JesusWh0re She posted the same photo scars as you...I don't know who to believe

no she didn't, how can she post the same picture?! clearly her is different and i have mine on my phone because i took it when someone asked me to do it! her is real and so is mine, i don't know where her is but mine is on my leg! and please just shut up.

fuck you cut bad, im asking you now please try and stop i do it as well, not as often as before but...everytime i find out you've cut i'll cut twice so therefore you will be damaging another body as well, it's only me so it won't work but try to stop, people have died from cutting

don't say that you'll cut because of me! this is not helping me because now, everytime i'll cut i will think that i'm hurting someone else and i will cut even more! and you can't cut because of me, that's just stupid...you don't even know me! i won't die from this and i can't stop

No, I saw the paragragh. And there's NOTHING to understand. You literally just cut yourself like "Oh look lawl I'm bleeding cause I cut myself lawl everyone love me lawl", fucking idiot of a girl.

die, just fucking die! you clearly don't understand anything because you're too stupid, i'm not even going to waste my time on you.

I'd rather stay Anonymous but I have to go now my mom wants to talk to me in more detail , just know your battles are some others inspirations <3

Let me love you, i'm so proud of you! Please tell me how the conversation went and good luck! Stay strong, you're beautiful!<3

I self harm too, Thankyou for inspiring me to coming out to my family, I just told them because I thorght , if you were brave enou to tell it to the Internet I can tell it to my mom x

Omg i'm so proud of you! Please add me on facebook? Stay strong!xx

Stay strong, your're beautiful girl! I have jealous of your hair! You're stunning <3

awh thanks beautiful haha<3

Why cut? It's a total attention whore stunt.

There is a paragraph about it! And yes, obviously i self harm for attention! I bleed and leave scars on my skin just for people to notice me! Can you even see what you're saying? Or you're too dumb?! Do one you twat, you'll never understand this
Liked by: Sumira


Language: English