
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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I like being tickled, feel free :D xxxxxxxxxxx

Aww cutie, and it's not so much fun when you're letting me do it haha:Lxxxxxxxxxxxxx

haha! I know text me yeah? and or what?:Oxxxxxxxxxxx

i did you fool and i'll tickle you to death!:Oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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ahh! I like to take things slow ;) calm it you!xxxxxxxx

you gave it to me anyway you loser!;) and psst don't tell me what to do baby!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

oh, I should be asking for your number! ahaha! I'm the guy!:Pxxxxxxxxxxx

well you fooking didn't so i had to do it:Lxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:( and yes you do you are sext gorgeous thats good enough to be a model in my eyes and how tall are you?

erm awkward.
and i'm a fucking midget

hahaha! oh well! I look retarded with eyebrows -.- and haha! I'll get it done if you come here and get it done with me?!xxxxxxxxx

you would look even more retarded without them, omg give me your number!
and okays, i will but promise that you'll get it done?;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

noo! I would get my eyebrows pierced, but they're fucking huge -.- I wish we didn't have to have eyebrows, and my tounge, is too dangerous :)xxxxxxxxxxx

we would look retarded without eyebrows-_-
and please do, omfg!
i will make you do it haha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

no! did't get excited! they're not that good :P and lip piercings are hawt! especially the hoops :) and ermm... no I don't:( hopefully getting one soon though :P xxxxxxxx

you love me anyway so pssst! and aw get your eyebrow pierced and tongue, omfg i will actually rape you!:O xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

do you have any piercings?xxxxx

i have my nipples pierced
jk jk, don't get so excited!
i'm getting my lip pierced soon+ tongue
what about you baby?xxxxxxxx

no no and no, my spelling is always right :) xxxxxxxxxxx

yes, and well it wasn't this time you fool!;)xxxxxxxxxxxxx

aw! cute ;) and you're bisexual?:O fancy getting in my bed?xxxx

oi play nice cheeky, i'm fine in mine and i really cba to move;)
and omg i'm so perfect, woooo! no-_-


Language: English