
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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i'm ur fan, and you're my inspiration! i love you, please answer this and say something nice, you'll make my night!!!

aw that's actually so cute!
i love you loads!:)
i bet you're beautiful, never forget to smile!
<3 <3

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that means you'll be dead haha to anorexic mate but your not your fine it's just your legs that are fat and o because I have a gap and that's not a gap haha they're not amazing there ugly so are you so tbh stfu your so modest it's unreal


I know nobody deserves to be bullied but you dont, ive followed you for a while now and ive seen the bullies trying to drive you to the edge, but never let them win, you really are beautiful. Nobody is going to make you stop cutting cause only you know the stories behind the scars but i hope your ok

I love you<3

*are fat

i weight like 43kg and i should weight about 60 as the doctor told me
so yes, clearly my legs are fat
no, you're just fucking jealous because they're amazing.

I read about why you self harm and things, it brought me close to tears to be honest. No, I don't know you but from what I've read from things, You seem so nice, plus you're beautiful! :)

Aw thank you so much beautiful'xxx

i know, but everyone else will and awwh thankyou so much babe xx

if they will, i'm gonna hunt them down! come off anon hunny!xx

no , im too shy. if you say 'i love you' it will make my night , pleasee xx

just do it, i won't judge you!
and i love you to bits beautiful!:)


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