
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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Before I was like:OMG how someone can cut himself and it was wierd for me.But I had a moment of my life when I was depressed and I have done it.I cut myself.That feeling it was so great,so fucking good.I self harmed about 2 months and now I am clean.Now I understand.Try to stop,please

It does help, it makes you clean and happy because you took all the anger and pain out! I'm trying, it's hard..
Liked by: Adam xo

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Most people in the world understand self harming so don't say they don't for god sake!

Shut up, loads of people don't understand it because they never went through it and they judge the people who do it because they think it's sick+stupid!
Liked by: Adam xo

does it hurt when you self harm?!

when i self harm, i don't feel it because i cry and each cut realease the pain!
it helps me and at the end it makes me happy because i took all the anger and pain out!
you might think it's sick or weird but you'll never understand it unless you've been through this!

How would you feel if someone would tell you that they're upset because of u?

Everytime i upset someone i care about, i self harm...
You won't understand it...
Liked by: Adam xo JoJo

Ffsyour just so fucking attention seeking when people say your pretty or beautiful people who are gratefull normally go awh thankyou so are you not going far from it your just attention seeking like your pp it's like serious so yeah stfu and appreciate what people say to you don't just be snobby.

fuck off you stupid hoe, noone cares about your shit opinion!
i'll say what i want, it's my page you twat
Liked by: Adam xo

Why do you self harm? You`re gorgeous

Okay listen....
The fact that "i'm gorgeous" (which i don't think i am) doesn't mean that i can't self harm...
I started to self harm ages ago because of bullying, people made me feel like shit, i didn't have any friends and everyone used to hate me, i didn't go to school because i was scared that i'm gonna get beat up or someone will threaten me again... i missed so many lessons...days...weeks...
My cuts were little and not serious...
I started to feel alone, i didn't have anyone...can you imagine this?! Being on your own...knowing that noone can help you...you're alone...
I started to cut on my hand...but then my teacher saw my scars and i had to tell them everything..
They knew that i cut... they didn't help me... i was still alone...!
I pushed everyone away from me..
And now...guess what?! I still do it, and i always will...i've done it yesterday!
My boyfriend told my mum that i self harm because he didn't know how to help me and he was worried cause i was sitting in my bedroom for 2days crying, cutting, shaking...i didn't go to school because i was mentally broken...everything was making me cry! I felt like i need to cut!
My mum was so worried when he told her and she didn't know what to do...i didn't talk to any of them, i refused! They didn't know what was going on with me! My legs are full of scars, but guess what?! Now... they're not little..they're big and deep!
We're now waiting for a help from my doctor because i have depression!
Now, go on..judge me! It won't affect me because now i'm stronger, i love my scars.. they show me that i was fighting all the way! I just want you to know that it's hard...

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