
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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Why do you self harm?

Well because my life always brings me down, and i still don't think about all the bad stuff that actually happened to me because if i would then i would have even more scars on my skin!
I started to self harm not a long ago...
I started with little, not serious cuts, no bleeding...
Then when i got into cutting myself i was seeing people do it and i though "oh is that all you can do"?!
My cuts started to get more serious, now they get deeper and deeper...
I got bullied and that was one of the reasons why I did it...
Then i was doing it everytime i've done something wrong or when someone was upset because of me...
I self harm because of bullying, relationship issues, school, family issues...
Then i realised i'm useless, unwanted, ugly, and just so worthless..
Now...i start to cut for no reason, i sit there all happy and then all of a sudden i cut...
I might get hate for this or you might call me "attention seeker"
I am addicted, and i can't stop!
You'll never understand, unless you went there and went through this!
Everyone will say "stop, it's not gonna help you" but when you cut you think it helps, it makes you feel better, it's once of the worst addictions ever!
Everytime i cut, i think to myself " oh look, that one is deep, you feel better now"
I'm scared that one day i will just give up...
I think that's enough, you can laugh now...
+who's this?:/

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Language: English