
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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Don't duuuh me!! -_- Dont worry it will :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <33

Duuuuuuuh! And I'm off now, byee! *cuddles you and kisses your lips* I love you!:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 <3

*looks at you with a smile* Omg babe!! I was being sarcastic!! I meant your school -_- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

duuuuh, sorry! Its like nearly 9am, I'm half asleep!-_- xxxxxxxxxxx <3

luv ya too <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx *gives you a kiss before you go to prison*

*kisses you back* why would I go to prison you fool?!-_- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Say what I'm confused!?! :O xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 <3 Also ask is being a bitch -_-

-_- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Yeah be good!!! And not as much as i do! *cuddles you back* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Wooo cutie!;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 <3

Aha! That sucks School sucks aha! Be good :) Omg I missed you so much more!!! <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Agree, and be good? Hahahhahahahahahhahaha no.
And I love you loads *cuddles you* xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Woo :) xxxxxxxxxxxx I'm fine thanxs just a bit hyper ahah! My brother dragged me with him last night to one of his friend's party's!! Do you have school today? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Aww that's cute, and yeah I should be on my way to school now, but I woke up late so I'm just getting ready haha
And omg I miss you so much!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

Btw I was being sarcastic when I said have fun at school aha!! How are you? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Alright and I'm fine thankyou wbu baby?:)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3

25 facts about you

1) My full name is Aleksandra Aneta Kaminska
2) I was born on the 15th of december 1996
3) I'm polish
4) I'm taken
5) I'm bisexual
6) I self harm
7) I used to get bullied and still do...
8) I think animals are better than humans
9) I'm a belieber
10) I have 2pillows since I was little and they mean the world to me haha
11) I don't really have friends
12) I love gay people+everyone who is not afraid to show the real side of them
13) I'm spoilt
14) I spend most of the time at home
15) I'm kinda shy...
16) I love skins :O
17) The only make up I wear is, eye liner, mascara and lipstick
18) I moved to england like 5years ago
19) I had suicidal thoughts before...
20) Words hurt me but I never show it
21) I'm useless
22) And unwanted
23) I love compliments
24) And omg I love ice cream :O
25) I hate you all <3

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