
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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it is my business tbh your treating your bf asif hes your slave so therefore you dont deserve him

No its not your fucking business! Piss off

and okay then you dont act like a slag you are one

how am I? I don't go around and have sex with everyone you twat!

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i know who you had sex with every single person

well you're fucking wrong then you cunt! I hasd sex with only one person in my whole life you stupid twat!

why do you act like a slag?

how can you act like a slag? you're either a slag or you're not, you can't act like one you twat!

Do you fancy Will?

Oh so I can't talk to someone of the opposite sex cuz you'll asume that I fancy them...I don't even know will that well, we talk from time to time! Yes I did say that I would date him+he's gorgeous but that doesn't mean that I fancy him, it was just my opinion and by the way ...who the fuck are you?

Why do you have so many anon haters? O:< Rude people ♥

I don't know!:O and oh well I don't really care about them! <3

Pft it is afternoon, i just woke up tho c: Heelloo gorgeous c; ♥♥

I woke up at like 14:00!:O and you're the gorgeous one! <3

ya callin me pussy? you don't no who i am;)

that's why im calling you a pussy, cuz you can't even come off anon?!-_-


Language: English