
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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music taste?

i had to re answer it
i literally listen to everything
depends what mood i'm in, here are some bands i listen to(that doesn't mean i know everything about them or have all their albums on my phone)
i think that's it, hm..

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i hate my mother, she never listens to me :(

I have ups and downs with my mum, i sometimes say things that i don't mean and later regret but she'll always be your mum, she'll always love you..
Your Mother carried you inside of her womb for nine whole months, she felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell and her skin stretch and tear. She struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quickly and even a simple task like putting her shoes on was a huge struggle for her.
She suffered many sleepless nights while you kicked and squirmed inside of her and while you demanded that she scoffed junk at 3am, she then went through EXCRUCIATING PAIN to bring you into this world.
She became your nurse, your chef, your maid, your chauffeur, your biggest fan, your teacher, your agony aunt and your best friend. She's struggled for you, cried over you, fought for you, put herself second for you, hoped the best for you and has driven herself insane with worry for you but never has she asked for anything in return because she loves you and did it all on love alone!
Most of us take our Mums for granted but there are people who have lost or have never even seen theirs.
If you have a loving Mother who did all of this for you, you are very lucky, never forget her worth because she could go at any time, make sure to remind her every day that you love her <3

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ew bisexual, thats a sin

Love is love. Girls can love girls. Girls can love boys. Girls can love girls and boys. Boys can love boys. Boys can love girls. Boys can love boys and girls. Love whoever you want, it doesn't matter who judges you, who puts labels on you because you're doing what makes YOU happy. Don't let other people influence you or tell you what to do. Its your life, love whoever you want, be whoever you want. Love has no boundaries.

what do you look for in a guy?

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Tell us your life till this moment

i was born
i turned 1 after a year
i turned 2 after another year
i turned 3 after another year
i turned 4 after another year
i turned 5 after another year
i turned 6 after another year
i turned 7 after another year
i turned 8 after another year
i turned 9 after another year
i turned 10 after another year
i turned 11 after another year
i turned 12 after another year
i turned 13 after another year
i turned 14 after another year
i turned 15 after another year
currently i'm 16 and living a shit life as a teenager

opinion on self harm

To start, put that razor blade down now. You are all beautiful in your own way ok? You just need to find the right person to except you for that. They will treat you right and make you happy, you will know when you have found them. You are possibly the strongest people alive. Because what you are going through is hard and i know because i was once in the same situation as all of you beautiful people. But you have to try and ignore hate that you get from people on anon. For instance if they send you a crap tone of hate on anon you have to think at least you are strong and ask yourself if they really feel like that about you then why are they on anonymous? It's because they don't mean it. You have to stay strong through these things because it will turn out right eventually. Its hurts getting shit about things i get it all the time at school like.. 'ugly' 'rat' 'sewer boy' 'nice teeth' 'no friends'. But i get it all the time so it become funny for me because they are just pathetic. If i didn't have these type of teeth or looked 'ugly' i wouldn't have a perfect girlfriend would i? So you have to try and stand up for yourself otherwise it will be easy for people to get to you and they will see that. Go to people like i did. I went to my aunty because im close to her and she helped me out and my mum never found out. She still support me now and there is always someone there for you. Parent's. older siblings. Aunties, uncles, grandparents, teachers, friends and there families. ANYONE you are close to. It will help you like they did for me and just have to try things. It will be fine im here for you anyone just message me and ill help you out through these things.
Anyway moving on to your body and stuff. If people hate you for being bi-sexual gay or lesbian anything like that tell them to grow the fuck up you sick cunts because its your choice and you can't help it if you are attracted to a certain sex. Its you not them. Your life, not theres.
So this is something i always say to people if they self-harm. Your skin is your skin and only yours for once. Just think about this now if you cut you will be scared for life no matter what it will always be there, so when you grow up and have kids what happens if that night you tuck them into bed and they ask daddy/mummy how did you get those scars and you tell them you cut yourself what do you think they will do? You don't know do you might do it to themselves oneday or to someone else? Think about that because you'll probably feel hurt when you get asked when your older? Be yourself not what someone else wants you to be. Be yourself and try and smile :)

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