
Ask @OlaAdaKaminska

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didnt you and niamh used to be close, what happened ?

yeah, we used to text a lot...i don't know what happened tbh! i texted her not a long ago and was trying to talk to her but she didn't reply, i'm not going to text her everyday so she can notice me! she has her own life and own problems, she knows i'm always there for her no matter what, it just takes one text! i miss her, she's perfect!
Niamh, if you see this...i love you, you're amazing!
Liked by: Jess Nevena Adam xo

so i cut, but im scared to tell anyone and i dont want hate or to seem like an attention seeker, i need help, its going down hill, im hittting suicidal thoughts :(

few things you always need to remember...
-you're beautiful
-you are worth a lot more than you might think
-people care about you
-you're loved
-you are needed
-you are strong
if you want you can always talk to me because i know how you feel, i'll try and help you with it as much as i can and we'll see what we can do..
i believe in you and you can do this!
it can't rain forever, the sun will come up soon love
chin up, things do get better
Liked by: Kieran Egan Adam xo

opinion on me, im expecting a paragraph:) (sent to every cunt i follow) i follow you because your other gorgeous, funny as fuck or just a nice person<3

well i'm all of them plus you want me in your bed;)
you're so damn gorgeous, ebsvuerbvieubruisdn
we used to talk for a bit and you're such a sweet guy
you're hilarious and lovely
you make me laugh
you're cheeky and my boo
i'll do one of these in a sec and i want a paragraph, k thanks;)
Liked by: Adam xo megs

people who self harm are attention seekers

okay, imagine there's a girl! she always has a smile on her face but deep inside she's broken, she self harms and is suicidal! she gets a lot of hate and doesn't really have friends, she feels like giving up! it all build up in her and then one day...she did it...she committed..everyone is now shocked because they don't know what happened, she was so 'perfect' and 'happy' and then people say 'we didn't notice anything' and because of the fact that she kept it to herself, the world lost a beautiful girl
but now
imagine the same story but the girl actually tells people about it, yes she will get hate for it but she doesn't really care, she tells her friends and then her friend tells her parents and she get help...she's alive
she tells people on facebook/twitter/ask.fm, she gets hate but then she gets messages telling her to stay strong and trying to make her feel better, once again...she survived
yes, i know what you mean! self harming might be attention seeking when people sit there with a blade and cut their body because they want sympathy
but most of the people tell others because they want to feel loved, they want help because they can't fight anymore, they want someone to care
so, if you ever see a person who tells people about their self harming problems, instead of going on about it just message her/him 2 words 'stay strong'
with those two words you might change someone's life, trust me
it's wrong to keep everything for yourself and inside you because it all builds up and then boom, you give up and then you have suicidal thoughts
it's good to tell people how to feel

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help me get to 5k likes please? x

why should i?
did you help me to get more likes?
does it look like i'm some kind of like factory?
do i even like your answers to click the like button?
why do you even care about it so much?
Liked by: get aids Adam xo


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