
Angelina Krivenkoff

Ask @OneLessLonelyGirlInLosAnegles

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Let the girls treat you bitch you really has nothing of a bitch she does not even know what it is and just say to insult you! They do not really need it hurts you my heart because it really would trouble me. <3 I love you already! :)

awww <3 thanks ! love you too
Liked by: ItsAntaLizzle

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just know ur beautiful and don't listen to them ): they'll be hypocrites when they've met him and r asked to be ollg. u r beautiful not matter what they say words can't bring u down (well they might but dont listen to their crap(:

aww thanks ! <3

hypocrites who are just jealous! looks up your crown princess is spirited fall (I mean that of OLLG: p) haha ​​then head regulator and crazy teasing you because you really have nothing to repprocher you you're really pretty and you have a beautiful smile. Let the girls treat you bitch you really has

thank you !
Liked by: ItsAntaLizzle

ou've meet him a lot of times... i'll never see him, never been on him concert and never will be. but im happy bc a lot of beliebers make they dreams come true, i love u

you'll be on the concert ! love you too

No, do not worry about criticism. You realize your dream JUST understand the thousands of girls dream to be in your place then romp on you! they are strictly nothing on this planet apart insult you behind the screen are leaves in a field. I tell you frankly I do not want you to waste your tears for


im crying... i'll never meet Justin, never will see him, i love him so much, he saved my life a lot of time. you're so lucky girl, love u - polish belieber

believe and never say never ! love you too


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