
J Town :)

Ask @Potato11111

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If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

Stop holding grudges on people for the small things. Sooner or later they may not be there when you need them.

If you could make anyone in the world fall in love, which two people would you put together?

Swoopie and my friend Rachel. (My friends know who im talking about ;) )

What good idea you have had lately?

Well it was to watch Arrow, then it became my worst idea because now its over T-T

What do you think people think of you?

Well in 4th grade i was bullied because someone who was one of my close friends thought that I thought of myself as one of the snotty kids who just thought about themselves. Well she said that Quote on Quote "you think your cute,popular,funny, and all the boys like you. But your not." Well i didnt think i was any of those things :| so i guess thats how my friends think of me

What would you refuse to do for a million dollars?

To never see Stephen Amells beautiful face ever again.....gives me the chills

Which movies or books have made a big impact on you?

For my sons (it somewhere along those lines i havent read it for about 2 years or so),Legend(i know not a big impact making book), and the witch and the Wizard

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

Its not a movie, wrong question but I have to say this. It was a show, Arrow and it was the last episode T-T made me cry so much

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

2.) Johnny Cash
3.) Ringo Starr
4.) Hendrickson(if you know me you understand)
5.) Carrie Underwood

If you could have one wish what would you wish for?

More wishes :) and out of those wishes i would wish that
1.) i wish that I could be the same age as Stephen Amell
2.) I would wish that Stephen Amell would find me beautiful
3.) I would wish for me to get married to Stephen Amell and have 5 kids :)

What's your favorite perfume?

I am allergic to something in perfume actually.... Good thing that i don't put perfume on everday to kill everyone your walking behind! :)


Language: English