

Ask @Priscina776

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What was the last drink you had?

drink as in alcohol? or drink as in random, regular drink? I had milo this morning...

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

My mum quitting her job? idk.. nothing much happened this week~

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Which is the most stylish celebrity?

Emma Watson. Excuse everyone but pls. Emma. Watson. Need I even say more? She doesn't even have to dress up to look fab.

How to know if you are a good person?

You don't. there's no such thing as a good person or a bad person. That's making things black and white, which it's not. There are so many other colours, just as there are many types of people. Classifying them into good and bad would kill society.

which would you choose to make out with: a mermaid which is bottom-half-fish, or an inverted mermaid which is a top-half-fish? hahaha >:))

I think the answer is pretty obvious. My favourite Disney movie is the Little Mermaid. And for good reason~ A mermaid with bottom half fish, pls~

What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

"I'm fine" or "It's fine", in reply to any of their questions about how I feel and how my studies are coming along.
Clearly, neither were 'fine'.

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

My parents and friends... *and Prince Harry*

Coz some people said "once you're in love, BAM! baby"

LOL. No. My parents took 10 years to have me. And many couples can't have kids. Love =/= baby..

You're having an exam soon?

Not an exam~ MSTs are in June? I think.. But we have many projects and tests in between~

Does making love necessarily means you gotta have babies?

I'm pretty sure if this was applied in the context of a homosexual couple, it would not be possible. So, no. You don't have to have babies~

What's the difference between "making out" and "making love" ?

uhh. making out = snogging.. making love = having sex with emotions involved.

Criminal codes o_o omg.... what are those?

The procedures that people involved in criminal proceedings have to take.. also, certain rules they have to follow.. the little details that people who watch crime/law shows on TV never actually realise exist.

What did you do today?

Went to school early... Like.. 5 hours early.. So that I could do research :/ and classes were crazy~ nothing else, tbh.

Do you watch any anime?

Lol.. Several months ago, I couldn't tell the difference between anime and manga... Now, all I know is that anime moves and manga doesn't. So, obviously, nope.


Language: English