
Rainbow Paint Wolves

Ask @RPWAdopts

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This is a complaint .Sprite makes two many rpws with hair.She cant even go without one adopt not having one! Special trait?more like over used.

I will inform Raven about this, however, said artist has made adopts without edits. While I understand increases in edits can be frustrating, the staff would appreciate it if any further comments and complaints were addressed in polite manners. u v u
Either way, it should be more limited as it is not meant to be a common trait.
- Element

(how was this not answered already? |D ) the last answers were 3 months ago

That doesn't mean the staff can simply neglect questions. Yes, some left the community (including myself), but I know others had remained. Hopefully, there will be more productivity along with the new lines we have. u v u
And either way, the timestamp on the question was a month, therefor, at least one user had been expecting staff members to answer it.
- Element

are there gonna be any new puppies made soon? if so who's the parents and when?

That depends on how active the nursery artists can be, and when the new nursery is up and active. I'm not sure if the other nursery artists are going to wait for the new nursery, but that's what I plan on doing.
- Element

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Are two person breedings allowed?

Do you mean a breeding between two RPWs owned by different people?
So long as no rules are infringed upon, it's perfectly fine. n v n
- Element

Don't you think it's a little unfair that iJellybean and Ravendarus get to breed their RPWs for a FIFTH time when it says RPWs can only breed 3 times? This really isn't fair, considering their fifth breeding hasn't been made but is going to

As Ravendarus is the owner of the species, she can bend the rules as she pleases.
I completely understand where you're coming from, but Raven holds the power and we should respect her choices. u v u
(how was this not answered already? |D )
- Element

Will there every be a chance of ops pups being born in a litter?

ops? Um I'm not sure what you mean… I think PPS maybe is what you mean? And right now no, not without an item.
- Raven

what's going on with 300?

I assure you, its in progress! nvn I know Raven had said she has the competition prepared { I think she told me that //shot }, its just #300 has to be finished up! c: <3
- Snow

how is the nursery coming?

It is under-way, no worries!
I am working on the new lines, but it is on hold for the time being as I'm having oekaki difficulties on my main computer. I am working on getting this solved, and once I do, the nursery is at the top of my list for oekaki-based projects.
- ElementStar

you guys need less unlimited custom tokens jfc it's making special wolves no-longer special, like 400 will just be like "oh look another edited wolf, just like all those damn customs" I'm not saying to make it like 100 or something crazy, just cool it on the unlimited customs, those should be earned

Well, It's not like we just give them away. First of all, getting a custom token does involve some sort of work, [ Winning a contest, finding the token, etc.] so custom are open to all sort of people, like members hoping to get their first rpw or others with brilliant ideas in mind, not just the artist and special members.
Raven does have a stock system with those items, so they're not unlimited. This is the first time rpw has ever had an event like this with those sorts of item. Aside from that, special rpws were only from certain numbers and not everyone liked/were interested those. In case you haven't notice/read the post, there are breeding items for those special rpws, meaning that not all the edits are going to be passed down.
And to be truthful, all the customs aren't really that extreme in my opinion.
Asides, there hasn't been /that/ many special customs. RPWs have only been open for a year or so.
As for the edited 'wolf', everybody likes a sense of individuality and originality, no?
RPWs have a sort of creativity to them, making them different from just normal wolves and adopts.
In any case, thank you for your opinion nwn;
- Sprite

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How many pup slots do we have? I know on the nursery thread it says 5, but a post was made a while ago saying we have as many slots as we do with normal rpw's (for normal members it was 6 at the time - staff, 8) And do staff get more pup slots then normal members, or re they the same?

If I am wrong I am so sorry, and I will edit this to be correct,
but I asked Raven not too long ago about slots, and thankfully I had written it down!
For the sake of being helpfulto others as well, I will list everything ^^ <3
10 adult
10 pups
3 pps
1 extra slot of choice
Normal slots (if you haven't bought extra from the event)
8 adult
8 pups
2 pps
and 1 extra slot of choice.
There has been a lot of confusion lately, but I am 99% sure this is correct, unless Raven has changed it from last time I checked

Oh yes, I thought I'd clarify. xD I ASURE you I am not giving iJellybean the answers. I will admit, however, I gave her a small hint to finding ONE. ;v; I can tell you iJellybean will yell you the same thing — there is no cheating. I did give her tips to find some, such as searching "RPWs" [ cont >>

In user's posts to simply find RPW related things. I do not cheat, I try to be an honest person. Nor do I appreciate being falsely accused of things. I apologize in advance for the confusion, I was honestly going to ask about a limit of finding some. I apologize so much, I always make mistakes. >A<

My Mistakes, I am sorry guys I don't notice these things to often when I write them down, my lack of sleep has left me in an almost brain dead state where I constantly zone out and I feel horrible for it *rubs head* I will restock the store and fix the rules up a bit so I can remember! ;u; <3


iJellybean is always finding snows! tickets. i think shes cheating :/ Can you guys do something about it?

I know she has been finding a lot of invitations, but we have have no proof to if she is cheating or not.
So I don't think anything can be done, unless you want to PM iJellybean herself and express your concerns, or we somehow find some proof, if she has been cheating, that is.
- { shannon

"Extra slot can be used for Adult or pup you may only purchase one" ppl are trying to buy more than they can have eAe

I saw this as well - if Raven doesn't notice when she accepts for the person who wanted two, I'll let her know c:
- { shannon

why is there a limit on how many we can adopt?

It could be too many to handle at once, nobody wants an RPW sitting in the dust! Also, it could give others a chance to won an RPW. I honestly feel the limit is very gracious, for staff or for regular members. c:
- Snow

With the customs you can buy from the gala event, are we allowed to choose what artist designs it? Also, are the custom edits allowed to be anything, like making the RPW chubbier, or having shorter legs?

It depends with custom you buy. If it's a special one, the possibilities are endless. [ Within reason though. ] If it's just a custom, you can only edit the said things.
-Pokechu :3

Why is there a second thread when the old one was perfectly fine?

Raven wanted a new thread to help introduce some new rules and such. For example, now there is a custom thread now, while as before, the customs would just go onto the main page.
- ElementStar

Can there ever be more then 3 pups in a litter? Like… a super litter?

Currently, no.
It is not being considered at the time, and only three sets of lines are being made for the next nursery.
- ElementStar

can they be wings tho

No, that RPW and the others in it's family that carry that trait cannot develop wings from said markings.
They are designs, nothing more. uvu
Also, most winged RPWs have the wings open and above the body design, so everything is visible. This is a very good indicator next time you are curious. Yes, there are a couple with wings that are down on the body, but the designs are usually different than the flow of the body markings.
- ElementStar

Questions about a RPW in the pound ( Nolen to be specific ).. does he actually have wings, or are those markings? helpful link --> http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=2171016

By the looks of it, they are just markings - as I went and looked at his father (who has the same)
Since it doesn't say they are actual wings, I am going to say they are markings, since it says nothing about them being real wings c:
- { shannon

why was doggeh bnaed3?

For the sake of said user, we will not disclose the reason she was banned.
Please, do not go to her for an answer. If she wishes to reveal why to her friends, then she may, but it is very rude to ask someone why they were banned from a group or community.
- ElementStar

is this on the main sote?

Ah, I do not believe so!
I will inform Raven, then this will be more accessible to users. nvn
- ElementStar

do the staff actually have access this? no one but Raven has said anything

I thought I sent a pm out ;n; Actually XD I think I will now though, sep thank you mysterious Anon!


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