
Rik "Superman" Jhamb

Ask @RikJhamb

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well because no one hates the sophomores. we're not obnoxious like you guys and we barely have any bullying in our grade, and hmm we're actually smart unlike y'all getting 85th in the state. bye.

at least we dont do whaat youre doing right now and compare yourselves and always call yourselves better. that is what pisses me the fuck off. you call us freshmen as an insult... YOU WERE FRESHMEN LAST FRIKIN YEAR. you think always call yourselves better and smarter.. guess what? NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK. US freshmen have fun by hanging out and making conversation.. the only conversation you guys have is picking on us.

you only date white girls so no im not telling you

This is pissing me off... Listen the fuck up. Don't tell me how to live my life. I like who I like, I date who I want to date and I'm friends with my friends. If you have a problem please call me at 1-800-RIK-DOESNT-GIVE-A-FUCK. So... I don't care if you tell me who likes me or not. But don't criticize me for hanging out with my friends who are apparently considered popular. Dating girls who are white. And being my fucking self.I do what I want. Bye


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