
Brian Feeney

a Chain Vest or Negatron Cloak to reduce a large % of incoming physical or magic damage.... NO NO NO With Diminishing Returns to Scale Going from 0 to 40 reduces damage by less than 30%

Yes, I know the numbers are not exactly the same. I'm not saying the mechanics are 1 to 1, but it's still a large percentage, and more universal (It increases your effective raw health by 40% - which isn't the same but it is impactful). You are correct the number's aren't the same but the concept is similar. What I'm trying to parse is if the critique of Grievous Wounds is a principle issue or a raw numbers issue. Essentially is it a frustration that anybody can reduce healing effects at all or if it's simply 40% is too much.

Latest answers from Brian Feeney

Oh man you guys took a bunch of content off your twitch livestream channel. Does that content live anywhere else, I was going to tackle trying to make some particle effects for a game i'm making and remembered a stream u guys had a while back and wanted to watch it. Do they live somewhere still?

Ora Merkel
I'm not sure which ones you're referencing but a lot of our vfx videos are from Jason Keyser who has a youtube video channel discussing VFX and league vfx specifically. https://www.youtube.com/user/jasonkeyser

Any update on switching platforms?

Hey folks. I'll post more as I get to it (I've been pretty busy of late so apologize on the delay). After talking it over with a number of folks internally and the large number of you who have contacted me about issues with the Ask.fm platform - ranging from issues of being unable to use the site on mobile to reports of getting malicious/spyware from ads on the site, I want to make sure I'm setting I'm going to making the transition over the Tumblr.
It'll probably take me a while to properly transition as I'm unfamiliar with the platform. I still plan on keeping this account open and answering questions from here. I'll let folks know the new address and info once it's setup. Thanks for sticking with me! Looking forward to more discussions & questions.

Could I ask for some context on the PBE changes to Zzrot portal?

I don't have all the deets but essentially it's reducing ZZ'Rots ability to defend/stall out games while increasing it's sieging power.

Are you sure Thresh isn't so popular because he's quite possibly the most generalist support in the game?

Yes, I'm very confident in that assessment.

Would it be OP if Brawler's Glove built into Cloak of Agility?

Probably not, but I'd prefer to just fuse them into a single component piece and get rid of Cloak tbh. I don't think we need two separate crit component items.
A possible alternative is we drop crit components entirely as most of crit's downsides are most pronounced at this stage with lower values and replace them with an AD & Crit item (Brawler's or Cloak), and a AS & Crit (ie Zeal).

You want to solve the support shortage? Just ask CertainlyT to make more supports. Yasuo and Thresh are the most played champions in their roles, he could probably solve your "nobody wants to support" problem with 1 or 2 champion releases.

It's an obvious oversimplification but there is some truth to this. Thresh is incredibly popular and appealed to a lot of players who don't enjoy "traditional feeling supports". I think designing Support champions to appeal to a broader range of players is a good approach.

Would you say Illaoi is balanced? Her highs seems REALLY high (Taking out entire teams with well placed/timed ults) but her lows seem pretty dang low and prevalent. The ratio of meh to good just seems a bit... off (to me). What do you think?

I think she's generally pretty balanced, but yes I absolutely also agree with your assessment that she tends to have very high highs and very low lows. Those champions certainly aren't for everyone and we need to be careful about how many are in the game generally speaking but overall I think it's good we have some of them.
Illaoi is okay but not a super clear win in this camp for me because she also tends to be very binary in her lane matchups which exacerbates the above problem, but I do enjoy playing her. I definitely have had some of my most miserable losing games on her though.

What were your thoughts when you introduced the vision reduction mechanic with Graves' smokescreen and was it true that Graves was designed due to the lack of masculine ADCs at the time

He was not made specifically to address the lack of masculine ADCs but myself and IronStylus really cranked up the testosterone because of it. That's why he ended up with an absurdly sized shotgun, a bulky dad-bod and an excessive amount of hair.
For the vision reduction mechanic I had the rest of the kit complete at that point and I knew I needed a primarily utility move as he already had enough damage, and placing more damage on W meant I would have to pull damage out of other spells and reduce their impact and satisfaction. The reason I chose vision reduction was it was a suggestion from Coronach (former champ designer) as a CC type we hadn't used much. It fit reasonable well thematically as a smoke canister and fit with my idea that I wanted this guy to be in melee and scrapping with dudes.
In particular I liked the vision reduction was the one CC type in LoL that is more effective vs Ranged champions than Melee ones. This doesn't do much at all versus a Xin Zhao training on your face but absolutely lets you fight those other Marksman with 600+ attack range.
I know it's a pretty polarized mechanic on the frustration side, but I really appreciate the mental game that occurs with vision denial and I would take that any day over getting hit with a Root or a Stun or something that temporarily removes agency as opposed to something that limits my information available but still leaves me in full control of my character. As a Marksman archtype that generally have pretty low amounts of CC this felt like a good middle ground in regards to making a mechanic that was impactful and made a lot of sense on his kit mechanically.

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Your channel needs to be promoted on the boards, main LoL website, or something... I can tell you're not getting as much attention here as you used to.

Definitely the number of questions being asked per day have dwindled. Some of that is definitely on me as I've been less active lately and having Ghostcrawler move off the platform certainly hurt as well. I've still got a lot of questions here though and I like the directness that this format offers. There's a lot of upsides and downsides to using Ask.fm but I'm also finding myself less able to answer many of the questions people ask even only being gone from the Core Gameplay team for a short while, I'll do some thinking over the holidays of how I want to continue and will obviously update this thread with my decision.

This summs up my thoughts exactly https://twitter.com/Jarge__/status/812442388614549504

I suppose that depends on what you're expecting out a "support" role versus a "carry role". If the definition of support is simply nothing but healing, then yes we've moved away from pure support champions. If the definition of Carry is an impactful role than I would also agree, we want all roles to have a large impact on the overall game, but otherwise no I don't agree with that assessment.

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