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Uhm are you still active on Twitter or Facebook? I'd like to talk to you there if I can haha. I probably don't have much to say but it's nice to know how you're doing nowadays

I have a twitter(more than one actually 😅) anyway, here it is _liberosis9 if u still want it.

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

I don't have a pet, my life is boring

What books do you plan to read?

There are many, but here are some of them
The brothers Karamazov
Jane eyre
Aristole and dante discover the secrets of the universe
Eleanor and park
The bastard of Istanbul
The book thief
Gone girl
And much much more, but these are the ones i'm thinking about lately

Want to have a link to it? I still have you as a friend... Since like 2011 XD

No thanks i'd be embarrassed to see it haha

Happy birthday :) (I got a notification on Facebook xD)

Thank you, thats so sweet, i don't even remember my fb lol

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