

Ask @Sammiwammi16

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Lincoln told me one of his friends likes you in computer class

Why tell me this
1. I bet its fake
2. You're not gonna tell me who it's is

mariam is a bitc riet yohh shood hate her wit mehh

Uhm she never did anything to me so your question is pointless bye.

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Sammi does have cleavage, not to sound like a perv..

I'm half white what they expect my dads fault my mom is the thick one my dad thick but man boobs xD

Lmao cleavage contest

Nah but I'm just playin I'm not gonna expose my tiny clevage and ill admit I ain't thick but I got a little people just hatin cx

Why'd you even mention cleavage I bet you don't even have cleavage you flat af

Because I can say what I want to say and I have a little okay calm down sorry I'm not kim kardashian,Beyonce,and all those others. Come off anon then we can have a clevage contest fucker .-.

no d: good luck trying to find who it is though .-.

I'm hella scared I wanna look nice for my next birthday not cake stuck in my hair and eyelashes and in my clevage.

Do you think you will get pranked on your birthday? Or maybe at school like smack cammed or something?

I swear Lindsey .-. I'm wearing mascara on that day you can do smack cams on Mattelly not me .-. I can't trust non of y'all now cx

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Yes, No, Maybe,
I don't know,
Can you repeat the question?
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
And you're not so big
Life is unfair.........


Language: English