
Sea Bass

Ask @SebGamez

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so would you fuck him? he is hottest guy den haag

I don't understand people's obsession over this guy *sigh*...

can you tell flavia i want to fuck her really badly

You're not going to get really far if you don't even have the balls to tell her yourself, and instead choose to anonymously tell her boyfriend that :P

pretty girls at ish?

Everyone has their own kind of beauty, not going to judge, plus, I have my beautiful Flavia (: <3

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Where would you like to spend your holiday?

No idea, anywhere tbh as long as I'm with Flav and friends...

it makes me really sad that you are dating flavia because i have been loveing her for 4 long monfs and this is bad


How are you and flavia gonna be together after you move to breda? Will you visit her a lot or..

I'll visit her as much as possible, and I might end up staying in The Hague anyway...

what 5 things turn you off which girls do?

1. Duck faces
2. Excessive and unnecessary make-up
3. Act fake
4. Promiscuity
5. Selfishness/Narcissistic behaviour

Then why didn't you?

I'm not the kind of person that just approaches people, it's just my nature

Do you ever wish you got to know some people better at ISH?

Oh of course, I'm sure there's plenty of nice people at ISH

I think you're a great person, just felt like telling you

Aw well thanks, I'm sure you're a lovely arrangement of atoms as well, anon :3

that sucks :( the damage is amplified when you're under 18

Ah well, it does suck, but don't worry about it anon.


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