
Segie and Beans

Ask @Segie

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Hatter: Pfft, you've got legs. You may have the personality of a snake- you know, scared and puny- but your not the one who will be making Erin scream at night. At least for me, she won't be faking her pleasure -shrug- getting it on with a lesbian or gay is like having it with a dead tortoise.

Monte: You're done, just stop. I was the one, but now I make somebody else scream at night because I got tired of her. And you can have your own crappy opinion, but you seem a little too concerned about my sexual life.

i'm not not even expecting Hater to last really lol

thesassyJBD’s Profile Photosoliloqui
:U Just idk I was saying that they just started dating I haven't even thought about babies, I don't know if they will go that far it depends on them

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Have you ever fired a real gun?

No, but my but we have a lot of guns and I love guns so I keep bugging my dad to take me out in the woods so we can fire at some targets. I'm really good with airsoft guns and stuff, so I might be good at it.

do you know how pretty hater babies would be? they would be awesome

Erin would make amazing babies with almost anybody, she seriously has like 300 ships. But yeah they would be cute. Erin won't be having kids for a long time though, its too fun to roleplay her being all flirty and stuff.
And I don't know if Hater will go that far, we will have to wait and see. ;P Its still early.

hehe ;D no longer post your ask on the chat, i think.. aha

thesassyJBD’s Profile Photosoliloqui
It will all get buried eventually, I get a lot of questions. X3 Like the horse videos got buried, I wish I could bump them up because they are amazing.

Hatter: -smirks- Please, Monte. I think Erin prefers her men with real experience and size, and who don't play with snakes to make themselves feel better about their own- I'll cut this off here. Try not to give AJ any.. diseases.

Monte: I don't just play with snakes, I am a snake. A snake with a big package, so your wrong there. You want to come and find out for yourself? Ah, never mind, I don't like pink guys. -scowls-
Erin was crazy for me, I was the one who dumped her and left her heart broken. She probably still isn't over me, haha. Your relationship with her isn't even near what we had, you're probably just jealous.
And don't worry, I don't have any diseases to give like you do. e.e

u r perverted

Am I, anon? Am I? Or is it the the anons that are dirty? They are the ones wanting to know.
I think its the sexy Monte background its making everybody unicorns
But I pretty much answer any question, as long as it doesn't have lots of curse words or isn't really a question. Or spam.

So Erin and Monte DID DO THE DO

I said they did. Or... hinted that they did. But then I said I didn't know. So yes? It just made the question funny, I don't know what even is the do?!

Hatter; We are no longer friends. I know your gay, honey, so keep your paws off my girl. Go buttf- um go and make babies with AJ

Monte: We were never friends, and not even gay men say "honey." -sticks tongue out-
Your just mad because I got more of your girlfriend then you ever will, and I'm gay.
And I will, thank you. Except for the baby part. t(-_-t)

i read it all already xD Hatter; -wiggles eyebrows- Get some, Monte

Monte: Yeah, some of your girlfriend. -laughs-
I am terrible

quack quack gimme your crack crack

What crack?! -glances around- I don't have any crack, pfft, me with crack? You must be crazy. Drugs are bad. Leave me alone

AJ and Monte, under the sheets. in-a-ppro-pri-ate-word-here. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in an orange egg

alright can u not. Im dying lD This is too much.
Monte: Haha... BABY WHAT?!

That sounds like an amazing idea. We should also poison a few peoples water.

Yes, any family with over 4 children gets their water poisoned. Or we could just do the whole peasant's supply. You know, as a reminder that we are much better rulers than the last.
Liked by: Pieinator

Monte must be really horny a lot of the time then. Being around AJ but not doing the do

Monte: For the last dang time I am not a unicorn! I have 2 horns!
I'm probably not going to be allowed to post my ask on the chat anymore lD

I could see Erin and Monte doing the do. I could see Monte and Aj doing the do too. Monte just seems like that kind of bean

Monte: -leans back and folds arms behind head- I am that kind of bean.

Babe,I'm pregnant with your baby. And I'm not really faking it. I love you.

Illu my queen, this new is wonderful. We shall murder all of the children in our kingdom in celebration!

Yes! You knew who I was. I love you too,Sir Segward. <33

But you are just faking it for the people, my love. I know you are. You and that dirty scum the Overlord.

So Monte and Erin did the do?

I don't know man XD
Its not like we roleplayed it, I was just kidding.
I have never thought this much about my beans doing the do

They're boys. If they did the do, which they probably did, they'd need llama dust for AJ to get pregnant

Don't tell me how it is Anon
I tell you how it is
Know your place


Language: English