
Hi there.

Ask @SerenTownsend

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Even though you're a bit bigger than my usual girl, I'd still fuck the fuck out of you ;)

Urm, wow for some reason im smiling at this probs out of embarrassment. Um, thanks anon? Haha

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Fort u h8d lauren

Hate is a very strong word and yes I have said I hated her out of anger but if you havent already read the question about what I want to do one day, my reply to that was to get along with everyone so this is me trying to make that happen:')

Really!? Cus I am..and I think ure beautiful♡♡

Ah..right, sorry I was joking I thought you were being sarcastic seeing as I have asks on my profile were I talk about my boyfriend?...um, im not beautiful but Thanku:) aw mate, howd u get them white hearts:o! Thy too cool.♥

Ohh ryt.. lol crocs r gross I had some yellow ones wen i was little never again ha

Aw cute, yellow is an awesome color bro.

Do u nd emma actually wear crocs?

Oh god no. Personally I think they are vile shoes but different people have different tastes :) it was a joke ;')

At the harleys nyt she was acting well bi. Was she even dunk

I barley saw her that night and yeah she was pretty drunk we all were.

Thought u + waynen wermt m8s..that was disapointing.

How childish.
Well we were never not mates but like we did stop talking for a while for no reason:( but my opinions on her have never changed really, shes lovely; ')

Opinion on waynen rae?

Where do I begin, shes so crazy! I love her to bits, known her for ages and she still always , manages to find a way to make me laugh, shes the best ;)

I accept your decisions even if I disagree. You're lovely and im hear for you, um just be careful♥

Thanku:) means a lot..why ru on anon thoe?♥

why are you back with him after everything he's done to hurt you!

I knew these questions would come up..and honestly all I can say back is beacuse I love him and as weird as it sounds im happy. You dont understand what we are like together and how hard it is being apart and how hard it is to 'move on' Im sorry if it annoys or hurts u but I dont want to fall out with anyone over it, its my life. I know hes hurt me but maybe he will make up for it, we will see.


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