
Travis L. Walker

Ask @Serenade006

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I really admire your writing and poetry, and I remember reading that you said you were going to quit for a while and I'm heartbroken. Don't stop, please continue. Some of the best poetry I've ever read!

Words like this keep me going, thank you.

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You can have my mustang that's all I got in my name but Jesus Christ don't break my heart


I'm a female myself and I'd be annoyed if I saw all these girls over my guy, at the end of the day they got to think of it if the roles were reversed and if they'd like it, but If your happy fuck a hater

I devote all of my physical attention to my main lady though, hopefully twitter won't ruin my happiness. Thank you though, respect.

I don't know how to tell you this but idk it's real complicated, your my best friend but all I want to tell you is I have fallen for you I just cover it up with the best friend thing it's taken so much for me To tell you..

Thanks captain obvious.


Language: English