
❤➕Edward Wid Bass➕❤

Ask @Sheerio4Life21

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but that's what we're here for, to help you because we love you

But I annoy the shit out of everyone. I've been told that people hate me and I've been told that I'm bitchy. Tomorrow night I'm making a small account that my friends can talk to me on, okay?

no you're not an asshole, I love your account, srsly

Who is this? I just feel like everyone hates me. I've changed into a complete idiot. I hate myself and I don't want to inflict any of that on you guys.

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but I'll miss you :(

I'll miss you too Anon, but there are loads of better and nicer people on here then me. I'm just an arse hole.

dont deactivate! youre not annoying or anything

There's no point in staying. Thank you, but I'm still going. I'm sorry

If you're going to de-activate just do it. You tweet saying you're not attention seeking but you obviously are. Stop tweeting as if you're the most loved person on earth, have you seen your bitchy tweets? Attention seeking people like you annoy me.

I've never wanted to be the centre of attention forever. I'm just telling my friends. I don't mean to be bitchy, it's just people annoy me. I know nobody likes me, on twitter and in real life I'm not acting like everyone loves me because I know that nobody fucking will. So get on with your life and I'll get on with mine. Cheers.

How many Ed concerts have you been to? I've been to 2. One on February 5, and one on June 2 (which was also Taylor Swift but Ed performed beautifully!!!)

None :( But hopefully I'm going next year :)
Liked by: Laura

What's been the best commercial you've seen?

Ed Sheeran + commercial.(I haven't seen it on TV but someone recorded it and put it on YouTube)
Liked by: Laura


Language: English