
Abbott Veldhuizen

Ask @Silmerion

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Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted, one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?

Eminem, I know that makes for a compelling story, but it just doesn't match with my experiences. It's /exceedingly rare/ that one event shapes your whole life - people and success are iterative creations.

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Would you like to build a snowman?

I actually think that'd be pretty fun right now, but the snow's much too dry for it. We need a good few inches when it's about 30 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal snow man-making material.

How many pairs of shoes do you have?

Seven, I think? I have two for formal wear, two for work or dressy casual, two for warm-weather casual, and a pair of hiking boots for rougher terrain/weather. I've been wearing the boots almost all winter.

Have you ever used a mechanical keyboard? If so, what kind and what switches?

Despite my affinity for large, clickety-clackety input devices, I have never used a mechanical keyboard.

I will take that as Anime questions soooooooooo, what is your favorite anime?

My answer for the past couple months has been Haibane Renmei, but other strong candidates include (but are possibly not limited to) Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Revolutionary Girl Utena, and Katanagatari.

You didn't answer the most important question :< Will you become a rock star some day?

That'd be sweet, but I'm so far away from that possibility right now that it's hard to envision myself as one.

What about other Digital TCGs like Hearthstone and SolForge?

I've never played Hearthstone, but I kickstarted SolForge way back in the day. I never found it compelling enough to really dig into, probably because I'm not the target market - I don't own a tablet PC.

why are you doing this and not working

I'm running code in the background and the data set's so large that it's taking up literally all my RAM. I don't have enough working memory left to open a web browser and take care of other miscellany, so here we are.

I heard you are picking up guitar recently. What guitar do you have? How are you teaching yourself? What are you practicing? Will you become a rock star some day?

I have a butterscotch Mexican Telecaster. I own a DVD tutorial series, but I haven't touched them in a bit - most of my practice is flexibility exercises, scales, chords. I play every day, usually for 15-60 minutes. My favorite song to play right now is "Two-Headed Boy" by Neutral Milk Hotel.

How do you feel about MTGO?

That no matter how interesting Wizards works to make compelling MTGO-exclusive product offerings, I'm not going to bite until they release a stable, user-friendly client.

Have you ever used IRC before? Do you currently use it? IF so, where do you lurk?

I've used IRC before, but not since...April of last year? That was the brief stint after I submitted my SCP and got invited to hang out with all The Cool Kids who provide most of that wiki's content.

If you where to pick up an MMORPG to play currently. Which would you choose and why?

Almost certainly Final Fantasy XIV, since that seems to be the weeb MMO du jour at the moment and I don't see any value in MMOs beyond hanging out and questing/PVPing with friends. If I end up getting into an MMO for a /specific/ group of friends, though, I could be convinced to play most anything.

What is your favorite magazine?

Uh, The New Yorker, I guess? I dunno. Mostly I'm trying to think of the last time I read a magazine.

If you could choose a special talent, what would you pick?

I've always thought it would be cool to be able to crush my enemies.

Allow me to be self-indulgent for a bit. What do you think of my art, anyway? Please be honest. (www.amad-art.tumblr.com)

Amadeous4446’s Profile PhotoBenjamin Campbell
Ben, I don't know enough about art to give meaningful mechanical feedback. Here's how I feel about your art: I like what you draw well enough, but way more importantly than that, I like that you're pursuing something that matters to you and trying to put it in a context that you find meaning in. If that sounds like I'm avoiding the question, understand that I mean it sincerely - I care way more about seeing a person working hard toward a goal than I do any specific output. Looking back at your older posts, the effort shows - your quick sketches today look better than any of what you used to do. I firmly believe that if you don't drown in your own self-loathing, you'll go nowhere but up.
I see you worrying a lot on Twitter about the fact that you only draw Jam. I agree that long-term, that's going to be a problem for you if you decide to pursue art professionally, but the worst thing you can do is stress yourself out about it. Focus on how you can make yourself happy /today/ and let the Ben of tomorrow worry about that stuff - I've found that my best ideas and strongest motivation for self-improvement come when I'm most relaxed and comfortable with myself.

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How did you come up with your username?

Let's start from the top with this one.
The first username I had that meant anything to me was "iamsouledge" way back when I was about ten years old. It was my Gamespot username, and at the time that was the only Internet venue that meant anything to me. I invented that one because I was playing a lot of Soul Calibur 2 at the time.
Next up was "Darago", which was the invented name of my half-dragon OC. I started using this one when I was...oh, say, twelve or so? Eventually, this became "Darago Velicant", with the last name being a riff on my own last name that I thought rolled off the tongue well.
In my sophomore year of college I started using my current tag, "Silmerion". It's a masculinized take on the name of the main valkyrie in the JRPG "Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria".


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